THE EXAMS MADE SIMPLE: 01st June 2018 The Hindu and PIB News Analysis

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01st June 2018 The Hindu and PIB News Analysis

01st June 2018 The Hindu and PIB News Analysis 

1)Union government on Friday issued a notification for the Cauvery Water Management Authority:-

Composition of Cauvery Water Management Authority: It would comprise a chairman, eight members besides a secretary.
Out of eight members, two each will be full-time and part-time members, while the rest four would be part-time members from states.

Mandate of Cauvery Water Management Authority:

  1. To monitor the storage, apportion shares, supervise operation of reservoirs and regulate water releases with assistance of the regulating authority.
  2. The authority has also been tasked to advise the states to take suitable measures to improve water use efficiency, by way of promoting micro-irrigation (drip and sprinkler), change in cropping pattern, improved agronomic practices, system deficiency correction and command area development.

2)EDITORIAL:- How to be Garbage Free

Author Samir Nazareth observes that there is a need for attitudinal change to achieve cleanliness


2.Recently, the government in Goa has announced to make the state garbage-free by 2020.

3.The author takes up the example of Candolim beach in Goa and highlights the need for inculcating civic sense among people to achieve cleanliness

4.Major reasons for littering and pollution in Candolim Beach:

   i)Lack of civic sense among tourist
   ii)No mention of fines and responsibilities for  tourists
   iii)Inefficient waste management system- lack of  dustbins along the beach, lack of attention by              authorities, no police or authority to enforce law.
    iv)Lack of responsibility on the part of  restaurants, shopkeepers

5.Way out:

Behaviour Change Communication (BCC) model to bring attitudinal change.

Tourist focused waste management.

Proper waste management- installation of dustbins, proper collection and enforcement of regulations through policing.

3)Mother of all lizards lived in Italian Alps :-
The science journal Nature has tracked the oldest lizard Magechirella in Italian Alps.

4)RIMPAC 2018: 26 countries including India to participate in biennial exercise in US:- The world’s largest international maritime warfare exercise Rim of the Pacific (RIMPAC-2018) will see participation of 26 countries, including India.

The theme for this year’s RIMPAC exercise is “Capable, Adaptive, Partners.” Four countries Brazil, Israel, Sri Lanka and Vietnamare are participating for the First time.

RIMPAC is the world’s largest international maritime warfare exercise. It was held for first time in 1971, since the held biennially near Honolulu, Hawaii(US).

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