THE EXAMS MADE SIMPLE: 26th March 2018 The Hindu and PIB News analysis

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26th March 2018 The Hindu and PIB News analysis


1)The Union Health Ministry’s Integrated Disease Surveillance Project (IDSP) aims to

(a) Detect and respond to outbreaks of epidemic prone diseases
(b) Verify unusual health events being reported on social media
(c) Establish surveillance units at the block level so as to prepare decentralised plans for effective localised medical response systems over time
(d) Specifically prevent and control Avian Influenza outbreaks

2)Which among the following is not an official language of the United Nations?

(a) Arabic
(b) Spanish
(c) German
(d) Russian

3)Which among the following Multilateral Export Control Regimes is Pakistan a member of ?

(a) Australia Group
(b) Wassenaar Arrangement
(c) Missile Technology Control Regime
(d) None of the above

GSAT-6A to give armed forces a shot in the arm :- GSAT6A, the second predominantly S-band communications satellite, is set to be launched from Sriharikota on March 29.

The 2,000 kg class 6A, costing about ₹270 crore, is a great deal more than a routine communications satellite. It is designated for the use of the armed forces and will not add any transponder capacity for general uses.

A special feature of the GSAT-6A is its 6 metre wide umbrella like antenna, which will be unfurled once it is in space. The antenna is thrice as broad as the antennas generally used in ISRO satellites. It will enable mobile communication from anywhere via handheld ground terminals.

2)The first International Exhibition of Graphic Prints ‘Print Biennale India 2018’ inaugurated in New Delhi :- In keeping with its role as the country’s National Academy of Art, the Lalit Kala Akademi is hosting the first-ever International Print Biennale in the country with a record number of 17 countries taking part in it. The first-ever International Exhibition of Graphic Prints ‘Print Biennale India 2018’.

3)SARAS Aajeevika Mela 2018:- The SARAS AajeevikaMela 2018 in New Delhi is an endeavour of DAY-NRLM to provide to the rural women producers a national platform and an opportunity to showcase their products, and seek buyers, either individuals or bulk buyers for sale nationally / internationally.

Ministry responsible for DAY-NRLM and SARAS Aajeevika Mela is Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India.

4)'Commonwealth Big Lunch’ :- Kalinga Institute of Social Sciences and British Council recently  hosteed first 'Commonwealth Big Lunch' in Asia.

British Council is celebrating 70 years of inception in Commonwealth countries. On this occasion, it has organised a mega lunch.

The Commonwealth is a voluntary association of 53 independent and equal sovereign states. It was formally constituted by the London Declaration in 1949, which established the member states as “free and equal”.

The last country to join the Commonwealth was Rwanda in 2009.

5)The Government of India has decided to nominate Professor J S Rajput, former Director NCERT, as India’s representative to the Executive Board (EXB) of UNESCO. 

The EXB has a four-year term of office and 58 seats. The executive board is one of the constitutional organs of UNESCO and is elected by the General Conference.

The executive board examines the work for the organization and the corresponding budget estimates. In practice, the executive board is the main organ responsible for all policies and programmes of UNESCO.

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