THE EXAMS MADE SIMPLE: 10th March 2018 The Hindu and PIB Daily News Analysis

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10th March 2018 The Hindu and PIB Daily News Analysis

Daily Prelims Practice Questions:

The headquarters of the Animal Welfare Board of India (AWBI) has shifted from Chennai to which place?

[A] Ballabhgarh
[B] Udaipur
[C] Kanpur
[D] Bhopal

2)(DRDO) has successfully test fired the anti-tank missile “Nag” recently. Consider the following statements.

1)Nag missile is a third generation “fire and forget” anti-tank missile
2)It can be launched from land, water and air-based platforms

Which of the above statements is/are correct?

A)1 only
B)2 only
C)Both 1 and 2

3)Which of the following has been named ‘Fat boy’?

A)It was the name given to the nuclear bomb used in Japan by USA
B)It is the name given to India’s GSLV Mk III.
C)It is the name given to NASA’s quiet supersonic aircraft.
D)It is the name given to Agni V missile.

1)SC upholds passive euthanasia :- 

What did the Supreme Court Said : The Bench said that Right to die with dignity is also a part of basic right to life. Quality of life is as important as prolonging it.

The Supreme Court has upheld passive euthanasia and the right to give advance medical directives or ‘Living Wills’ to smoothen the dying process as part of the fundamental right to live with dignity.

What is Passive Euthanasia : Passive euthanasia is the act of withdrawing or withholding medical support to a dying patient who has no hope for revival or cure.
Here the patient's mind is not working. Here the doctor decides whether time has come or not.

What is Active Euthanasisa : Active euthanasia occurs when the medical professionals, or another person, deliberately do something that causes the patient to die with Patients mind still active and on his explicit request.
Ex. Giving a Sedative, Switching off the Life Support System.

What is a Living Will :- A written statement detailing a person's desires regarding future medical treatment in circumstances in which they are no longer able to express informed consent, especially an advance directive.

The responsibility is on the doctor to ascertain the “genuineness and authenticity” of the ‘Living Will’ of a terminally ill patient from the judicial magistrate, in whose custody the document is kept.

2)Founding conference of International Solar Alliance to be held at Rashtrapati Bhawan Cultural Center tomorrow.

The International Solar Alliance (ISA) initiative was launched at the UN Climate Change Conference in Paris on 30 November 2015 by Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the then French President Francois Hollande.

Nations which are fully or Partially in between Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn.

Practice Questions on this News :

Which country to host the first-ever International Solar Alliance (ISA) summit?

[A] Bangladesh
[B] Germany
[C] India
[D] France

Answer: The first-ever International Solar Alliance (ISA) summit will be held at the Rashtrapati Bhavan cultural centre in New Delhi on March 11, 2018.

3)Rajasthan passes bill for death penalty for rape of girls below 12.
MP was the First state to have this death penalty rule.

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