THE EXAMS MADE SIMPLE: 06th March 2018 The Hindu and PIB Daily News Analysis

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06th March 2018 The Hindu and PIB Daily News Analysis


Q. BUNKER Convention is administered by


Q. SIMBEX is a Maritime Bilateral Exercise between India and

A)Sri Lanka
D)South Korea

Q. Supreme Court judgement in National Legal Services Authority v. Union of India is concerned with

B)Triple Talaq
C)Section 377
D)Right to Privacy

1)Threat of new malware looms over cyberspace:-

After Mirai and Reaper, cybersecurity agencies have detected a new malware called Saposhi, which is capable of taking over electronic devices and turning them into ‘bots’, which can then be used for any purpose, including a Distributed Denial of Service attack which, with enough repower, can cripple entire industries.

What is a Malware :- This is malicious software that is specifically designed to gain access or disrupt, damage a computer without the knowledge of the owner.

Let's see A model Prelims Question on this News :

Q. Recently Mirai, Reaper and Saposhi were in News, What are they ??

A) Mines of BITCOINS
D) Varieties of Fishes

Answer :- C--> MALWARE

2)Border pact between India and Myanmar:- Myanmar has indefinitely deferred signing an agreement with India to streamline the free movement of people within 16 km along the border.

Why India Needed this Agreement :- The agreement aims to enhance economic interaction between people of the two countries. The agreement will also facilitate movement of people on the basis of valid passports and visas which will enhance economic and social interaction between the two countries.

India and Myanmar share a 1,643 km unfenced border along
Arunachal Pradesh (520 km), 
Nagaland (215 km), 
Manipur (398 km) and 
Mizoram (510 km) and permit a ‘free movement’ regime upto 16 km beyond the border.

3)World Wildlife Day was celebrated on March 3rd.

Theme: “Big cats: predators under threat”.

4)The Odisha government has launched a programme “Ama Gaon, Ama Vikas (Our Village, our development)” to reach out to the people in rural areas and involve themselves in the developmental activities.

5)Marshall Islands in Pacific Ocean is set to become first country in world to recognize cryptocurrency as its legal tender and adopt transparent crypto monetary system.

The parliament of island has passed law to create the digital currency called “Sovereign” with symbol SOV to raise some hard cash to pay bills and boost economy.

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