THE EXAMS MADE SIMPLE: 02nd March 2018 The Hindu and PIB Daily News Analysis

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02nd March 2018 The Hindu and PIB Daily News Analysis

Svalbard is an archipelago in the Arctic Ocean under the full sovereignty of


Ashok Dalwai committee is concerned with

A.Allocation of natural resources
B.National Anti-Profiteering Authority (NAA)
C.Doubling Farmers’ Income
D.Financial Inclusion

Which one of the following is not a feature of the Government of India Act of 1935?

A.An All-India Federation
B.Diarchy at the Centre as well as in the provinces
C.A bicameral legislature
D.Provincial autonomy

 ‘Manganiyars’ are known for

A.Martial arts in North­East India
B.Pietra dura tradition in Central India
C.Musical tradition in North­West India
D.Classical vocal music in South India


1)Assets of fugitive economic oenders will be seized:- 

Who is a Fugitive Economic Offender :- “There will be a list of scheduled offences along with the Bill.”

“If the person commits an offence on the list, and a competent court has issued an arrest warrant, and the person leaves the country to avoid this, the court can deem him a fugitive economic offender.

The Union Cabinet on Thursday approved the introduction of the Fugitive Economic Oenders Bill, 2018, in Parliament, which would allow the government to seize all domestic assets of a person deemed to be a fugitive economic oender.

The Cabinet also approved the creation of a National Financial Reporting Authority having composition of  a Chairperson, three fulltime members, and one Secretary.

The jurisdiction of NFRA for investigation of Chartered Accountants and their firms under section 132 of the Act would extend to listed companies and large unlisted public companies

2)Energy Management Centre (EMC), in Kerala is the only Indian project to get recognition for energy efficiency from UN.

It is an autonomous institution under the Kerala government.

The ‘Global Status Report 2017: Towards a zeroemission, ecient, and resilient buildings and construction sector,’ published by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), has listed the EMC campus as one of the recent achievements in the deployment of key technologies for energye efficiency in buildings.

3)NBA(National Biodiversity Authority) calls for plan to manage import of exotic Fishes.

Why NBA is Worried:- Increase in the import of ornamental Fishes to the country, is posing a threat to India’s native Fish populations.

What is needed:- Quarantine Facilities at the major sea ports so as to separate the exotic fishes from indigenous varieties.

4)Pakistan admits being added grey list of FATF:- Pakistan has confirmed that it will be added on ‘grey list’ of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) in June 2018.

5)The National Highways Authority of India has decided to deploy all women toll collecting staff in day shift on at least one toll plaza close to the city area, in every state and UT of the country on 8th March 2018, International Women’s Day.

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