THE EXAMS MADE SIMPLE: 20th-21st February 2018 The Hindu and PIB Daily News Analysis

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20th-21st February 2018 The Hindu and PIB Daily News Analysis

Some Prelims Special Factual Questions :

The 44th Khajuraho Dance Festival 2018 will held in which district of Madhya Pradesh?

[A] Ujjain 
[B] Chhatarpur 
[C] Sagar
[D] Singrauli

Which state to have India’s first artificial intelligence centre?

[A] Andhra Pradesh
[B] Maharashtra 
[C] Kerala
[D] Tamil Nadu

Which city is hosting the National conference on doubling farmers income?

[A] Hyderabad
[B] New Delhi
[C] Kochi
[D] Chennai

1)PM Narendra Modi inaugurates World Information Technology Congress 2018:- Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated World Information Technology Congress (WITC) 2018 in Hyderabad, Telangana via video conference.

This is for first time India is hosting WITC.
It will second time that the event will be taking place in Asia after it was hosted in Kualalumpur, Malaysia in 2008.

WITC is a biennial event and considered as the biggest event of its kind.

It aims provide single platform to IT experts, policy and decision makers and Government officials from all over the world together to discuss various challenges and possible solutions to them.

2)Delhi Mumbai Industrial Corridor (DMIC):- Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor is a mega infra-structure project of USD 90 billion with the financial & technical aids from Japan, covering an overall length of 1483 KMs between the political capital and the business capital of India, i.e. Delhi and Mumbai.

The project would include six mega investment regions of 200 square kilometres each and will run through six states Delhi, Western Uttar Pradesh, Southern Haryana, Eastern Rajasthan, Eastern Gujarat, and Western Maharashtra.

3)Saudi Arabia allows women to open their business ventures without male consent.

4)Saudi Arabia is the First Country to give citizenship to robot.

Name of the Robot is Sophia.

4)CCEA approves methodology for auction of commercial coal mines to private sector.

What will be the new Methodology :- The auction will be ascending forward auction whereby bid parameter will be price offer in Rs./tonne which will be paid to State Government on actual production of coal.

There shall be no restriction on the sale and utilization of coal from coal mine.

Moreover, the entire revenue from auction of coal mines will accrue to coal bearing States.


  • The methodology gives highest priority to transparency, efficience, ease of doing business and ensuring that natural resources are used for national development.
  • It opens commercial coal mining for private sector and will help in boosting the economy.
  • It is most ambitious coal sector reform since the nationalisation of this sector in 1973.

5)Sri Lankan Tribe speaking Telugu :-

Name of the Tribe : Ahikuntaka
Origin:- Natives of Sri Lanka and not migrants.

Work as mostly Snake Charmers.

6)Jaipur's Gandhinagar Station becomes India’s rst nonsuburban railway station to be run entirely by women.

7)Mahanadi Water Dispute :=

Which States are involved : Chhattisgarh and Odisha in dispute over water sharing.

What is the News:- The Union Cabinet on Tuesday approved the setting up of a tribunal to settle a row between Odisha and Chhattisgarh on sharing the waters of the Mahanadi river.

Tributaries of Mahanadi :- 

Left bank Tributaries: The Seonath, the Hasdeo, the Mand and the Ib.

Right bank Tributaries: The Ong, the Tel and the Jonk.

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