THE EXAMS MADE SIMPLE: 09th January 2018 The Hindu and PIB Daily Current Affairs


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09th January 2018 The Hindu and PIB Daily Current Affairs

1)Larger Bench to decide on Sec. 377:- Sec. 377 criminalises homosexuality. (Lesbians and Gays).

2)SC for larger warnings on cigarette packs:- 
Recently there was a Karnataka High Court Judgement whaich reduced the Pictorial Warning on Tobacco and its Products(cigarettes) from 85% to 40 %.

Now SC (Supreme Court) has stayed this judgement.

Karnataka high court has earlier said that what about the rights of these companies but now SC has said that it values people's health more than the Companies rights.

3)India unveils Pratyush, its fastest supercomputer yet:- It can deliver a peak power of 6.8 petaflops.

One petaop is a million billion oating point operations per second and is a reflection of the computing capacity of a system.

According to a statement by the Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology (IITM), Pratyush is the fourth fastest supercomputer in the world dedicated to weather and climate research, and follows machines in Japan, USA and the United Kingdom.

4)Logistics Ease Across Different States (LEADS) index:- It is a first ever sub national logistics performance index. 

Gujarat topped the first-of-its-kind index, Punjab and Andhra Pradesh took the second and third positions, respectively.

What is Logistics:- Logistics, or the management of the flow of resources such as cargo, documents, information and funds through a range of activities and services between points of origin and destination, is a key parameter in deciding the trade competitiveness of a state or country.

LEADS is loosely based on the World Bank’s biannual Logistics Performance Index (LPI), on which India was ranked 35 among 160 countries in 2016.

5)Bharat Net Project:- 

•Bharat Net Project aims to provide broadband connectivity to 250 thousand(2.5 Lakh GP's) Gram Panchayats through indigenously developed Gigabyte Passive Optical  Network by March 2019. 

6)2nd National Teachers Congress will be held in Pune.

•Phase I of the project has been completed under which more than one lakh gram Panchayats have been connected. 

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