THE EXAMS MADE SIMPLE: 08th-10th December 2017 The Hindu and PIB Daily Current Affairs


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08th-10th December 2017 The Hindu and PIB Daily Current Affairs

Mains Questions For the Day :

  • What were the Various Tribal Uprisings when India was a British Colony?
  • What was the Role of Raja Ram Mohan Roy and Swami Dayanand Saraswati in Social Reformation??

1)UNESCO names Kumbh Mela Intangible Cultural Heritage:- 
After  ‘yoga’  and  ‘Nouroz’, Kumbh  Mela/  KumbhMela, the  largest  congregation  of pilgrims  on  the  planet,  has been  listed as an  Intangible Cultural Heritage under UNESCO  (United  Nations  Educational, Scientic and Cultural Organisation). 

‘Yoga’  and  ‘Norouz’ were added to the list  on  1st December 2016.
The Kumbh Mela  is  held in Haridwar, Allahabad, Ujjain and Nashik.

2)A Syrian Movie named "Little Gandhi" has made its entry to the Oscar.
This is the First Ever Movie from Syria to enter into  the Oscars.

The Movie is based on the life of Ghiath Matar, who was an activist in daraya, who later on became the face of earliest peaceful and non-violent protests.

3) (Eleventh) 11th WTO ministerial to be held in Buenos Aires between December 10 and 13. 

What is the Ministerial Conference:- The topmost decision-making body of the WTO is the Ministerial Conference, which usually meets every two years.
It brings together all members of the WTO, all of which are countries or customs unions.
The Ministerial Conference can take decisions on all matters under any of the multilateral trade agreements.

Indian Challenge in this years meet:- India faces the challenge of keeping the US, the EU and the rest of the developed world interested in the multilateral system while safeguarding its interests.

Why this challenge??
There are many reasons:
a)BREXIT has created uncertainty.
b)USA under TRUMP is cynical of Multilateral Groupings(as seen in TPP)
c)USA and EU prefer bilateral pacts and not Multilateral.
d)New Agendas are being forced by developed countries and old ones are being ignored.

--->Another Challenge for India is the Push for New Global E-Commerce rules(by European Union, Japan, Canada and Australia). India has already rejected this.

Why India has rejected global E-Commerce??:- India fears that the new global e-commerce rules could provide unfair market access to foreign online retail firms, hurting the rapidly growing domestic startups.

--->Another agenda is the Investment Facilitation which says that Investers should be allowed to invest without any regulation. India says that Investment is the part of Domestic Policy and not the Global Rules.

--->Trade Facilitation on Services:- India is keen to push forward its proposal on a Trade Facilitation in Services (TFS) Agreement. The TFS proposal aims to ensure  relaxation of norms for movement of skilled workers and professionals across borders for  short-term  work.

--->Public stockholding:-For India, a “permanent solution” to the issue of public stockholding for food security  purposes  is  key.
India  is among  the many  countries which  feel  that  the  current WTO norms on public stockholding  are  very  restrictive and  prevent  governments from meeting their people’s food security needs.

4)Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated the B R Ambedkar International Centre here and said it would be an important place for research on social and economic issues.

Mr Modi added that the government had developed five places related to Babasaheb Ambedkar into pilgrimage spots.

He added that the five pilgrimage spots -- in Delhi, Mumbai, Nagpur, Mhow and London -- were like a homage from the present generation.

5)Sports Minister Col Rajyavardhan Rathore inaugurates SAICON 2017 in New Delhi :- The First  International Conference on Sports Medicine and Sports Sciences SAICON 2017 was inaugurated here today by the Minister of State (I/C) Youth Affairs and Sports Col. Rajyavardhan Rathore.

6)India admitted as member into Wassenaar Arrangement:- 

Wassenaar Arrangement:- The Wassenaar Arrangement on Export Controls for Conventional Arms and Dual-Use Goods and Technologies, commonly known as the Wassenaar Arrangement is a multilateral export control regime (MECR).

It is elite club of countries subscribing arms controls similar to NSG and MTCR.

It is headquartered in Vienna, Austria. It has 42 participating states including India. All permanent members of UN Security Council except China are its members.

Advantages of India's access to WA:- 

India’s membership to WA will provide it access to high technology, which will help address the demands of Indian space and defence sectors.

This will help India to enhance its credentials in the field of non-proliferation despite not being signatory to Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT).

7)Trachoma:- Trachoma is a chronic infective disease of the eye and is the leading cause of infective blindness globally. Trachoma is a disease of poor environmental and personal hygiene and inadequate access to water and sanitation.

It affects the conjunctiva under the eyelids. Repeated infections cause scarring leading to in-turning ofthe eyelashes and eyelids. This further causes damage to the cornea and blindness.

Affected states: Gujarat, Rajasthan, Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh and Nicobar Islands.

8)MSME Sambandh:-

What is it??:- It is a Public Procurement Portal launched recently by the government.

Objective:- The objective of the portal is to monitor the implementation of the Public Procurement from MSEs by Central Public Sector Enterprises.

With this app, the Micro and Small Enterprises would be able to access the information about the products being procured by CPSEs. Thus, it would help the MSEs in participating in the procurement process.

9)All About e-Courts Project:-

What is it?

The eCourts Mission Mode Project (Phase I 2010-15; Phase II 2015-19) is a national eGovernance project for ICT enablement of district and subordinate courts of the country.

Implementation: It is being implemented by the Government of India with a total outlay of 1670 crores (Phase II).


  • The major objectives of the Project are to make whole judicial system ICT enabled by putting in place adequate and modern hardware and connectivity
  • automation of workflow management in all courts
  • electronic movement of records from taluka/trial to appeal courts
  • installation of video conferencing (VC) facility and recording of witness through Video Conferencing.

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