THE EXAMS MADE SIMPLE: Post Independence India Part-2


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Post Independence India Part-2

What we Learnt Yesterday ???    How the Post Independence started. How the Consolidation Process started. Circumstances and Challenges of the Free India.

We Left at the difficulty in integrating Junagadh, Kashmir and Hyderabad. SO Lets Continue from that.

Case of Junagadh:-

Junagadh was a small state on the coast of Saurashtra surrounded by Indian Territory without any geographical contiguity with Pakistan. Yet it’s Nawab Mohabbat Khan announced accession of his state to Pak on August 15, 1947 even though majority of the people, overwhelmingly Hindu, desired to join India.

People of the state organized a popular movement and a group of Junagarhi people forced the Nawab to flee and formed Aarze Hukumat (a temporary govt. in exile) it was led by Samal Das Gandhi.

The Dewan of Junagadh, Shah Nawaz Bhutto, now decided to invite the Government of India to intervene. Indian troops marched into the state. Later, a plebiscite  was held in state in Feb 1948, which favoured joining India.

Case of Kashmir:- 

In the state of Kashmir, The Hindu ruler of the state Hari Singh, did not wish to merge with India and tried to negotiate with Indian and Pak to have an independent status for his state.

The popular movement in the state, led by Sheikh Abdullah of the National Conference, wanted to get rid of the Maharaja, but was against joining Pak.
He formed an organization called National conference which was a secular organization & had a long association with the congress.

On 15th August Harisingh offered standstill agreement with both countries which would allow the free movement of people and goods.

Pakistan became impatient and started violating standstill agreement.
On 22nd October several pathan tribesmen unofficially led by Pakistan’s army officer invaded the state from north and reached up to Baramullah, were further advancing towards Srinagar.

On 24th October Hari Singh demanded military assistance from Indian government.
Mountbatten pointed out that under international law India can send its troops only after the state sign a formal instrument of accession.

V. P. Menon went to Kashmir and on 26th October Maharaja signed instrument of accession and also agreed upon Abdullah being appointed as the Head of the state administration.

On 1st Jan 1948 India decided to take the Kashmir issue to UN.

Finally after a security council resolution there was a cease fire from 1st Jan 1948 and India and pak agreed upon ceasefire line as LoC.

In 1951 UN passed a resolution for a referendum under UN supervision after Pak has withdrawn its troops. This resolution remains ineffective because Pakistan never withdrew its force from what is called  Pak occupied Kashmir.

Case of Hyderabad:- 

Hyderabad the largest of the princely states and it was surrounded entirely by Indian Territory.Some parts of the old Hyderabad states are today parts of Maharashtra, Karnataka, and Andhra Pradesh.
Its ruler was called "Nizam" and one the richest men of his time. Rule of the Nizam was unjust and
tyrannical and he had Majlis-e-Ittehad-ul Muslimeen or MIM (Council of the Union of Muslims) which was a Muslim political party to safeguard the interest of Muslims in India.

Nizam Mir Osman Ali wanted an independent status for Hyderabad. Hence, he entered into the standstill agreement with India in November 1947 for a year while negotiations with the Indian Government were going on.

People's movement against Nizam's rule gathered momentum. Particularly the peasants of Telangana region, and women who had seen the worst of this oppression joined the movements in great numbers.

The Nizam retaliated on popular movement by unleashing a para-military force, Razakars on the people. In total up to 150,000 Razakar soldiers were mobilized to fight against the Indian Union and for the independence of the Hyderabad State against Indian integration.

On 13th September 1948, Indian army under operation Polo (Code name of the Hyderabad Police Action] invaded the Hyderabad state & overthrew its Nizam, annexing the state merged it into the Indian Union.

Lets take one Mains Question and try to understand how to write its answer???

Question. What were the Consequences of the Partition of India and Pakistan ?


Introduction : Write in 2 lines the history for ex. The Partition was the result of the spark of Two Nation Theory that was fuelled by the Britisher's own ambition.



Geographical Consequences : India lost its territories.

Political Consequences

Social Consequences : Migration, Rapes, Atrocities

Economic Consequences:- We lost Cotton Producing regions and Jute regions, Lost Karachi Port.

Conclusion:- Its consequences were manyfold and the smokes still hover today.

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