THE EXAMS MADE SIMPLE: 20th 21st and 22nd novembber 2017 The Hindu and PIB Daily Current Affairs

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20th 21st and 22nd novembber 2017 The Hindu and PIB Daily Current Affairs

Mains Questions For the Day :-

I)What were the Major Challenges amid which India became free?
II)What were the major factors that led to the freedom of India in 1947?

1)World Toilet Day was celebrated on November 19th.
Very Important because of Swachha Bharat and All.

2)Moscow declaration:- Health ministers, NGOs, and private sector representatives from 120 countries adopted the Moscow Declaration at the recently held first WHO Global Ministerial Conference on Ending Tuberculosis in the Sustainable Development Era.

India is among the signatories to the declaration.

The Moscow Declaration to End TB is a promise to increase multi-sectoral action as well as track progress, and build accountability. It will also inform the first UN General Assembly High-Level Meeting on TB in 2018, which will seek further commitments from heads of state.

Probable Prelims Question :-

MOSCOW DECLARATION recently in news is relaated to ?
1)To make Russia a superpower by 2022
2)To Eradicate cancer by 2022
3)To End TB
4)To End North Korean missile plan.

3)Namami Barak festival:The first ever Namami Barak festival was celebrated on November 18th at Barak Valley in Assam.

The Barak River is one of the major rivers of South Assam and is a part of the Surma-Meghna River System. It rises in Manipur State, where it is the biggest and the most important of the hill country rivers. After Manipur it flows through Mizoram and into Assam, ending after 564 kilometres just after it enters Bangladesh where it forks into the Surma and Kushiyara rivers.

4)Indira Gandhi Prize:
Former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh will be the recipient of this year’s Indira Gandhi Prize for Peace, Disarmament and Development.

The award is given annually to individuals and organisations in recognition of creative efforts toward promoting international peace, development and a new international economic order, ensuring that scientific discoveries are used for the larger good of humanity, and enlarging the scope of freedom.

5)An app to get tiger numbers right:- In the forthcoming All-India Tiger Estimation, to be taken up in December-January, the authorities are planning to use an app named M-STRiPES (Monitoring System For Tigers-Intensive Protection and Ecological Status) developed by the Wildlife Institute of India, Dehradun.

The last nationwide assessment, held in 2014, pegged the tiger figures across the country at 2,226. Karnataka alone was home to 400 tigers, a bulk of them in Bandipur and Nagarahole.

6)China is positioning itself as a mediator in the dispute between Bangladesh and Myanmar over the Rohingya refugee crisis and recently announced a three-stage solution to the humanitarian calamity.

The three- stage solution is as follows:

  • First stage: Myanmar should impose a ceasefire and stop the persecuted Rohingyas from fleeing into Bangladesh.
  • Second stage: Bangladesh and Myanmar should strengthen exchanges and find a solution “on the basis of equality”.
  • The third stage involves asking the international community to help develop the backward Rakhine state in Myanmar, which is the home of Rohingyas.

7)The Logistics Sector has been granted Infrastructure status.

What is Logistics ?? :

  • Logistics Infrastructure means and includes Multi-modal Logistics Park comprising Inland Container Depot (ICD)
  • Cold Chain Facility
  • Warehousing Facility

Infrastructure status will enable the Logistics Sector to avail infrastructure lending at easier terms with enhanced limits, access to larger amounts of funds as External Commercial Borrowings (ECB),

access to longer tenor funds from insurance companies and pension funds and be eligible to borrow from India Infrastructure Financing Company Limited (IIFCL).

Infrastructure status for cold chains and warehousing facilities will provide a big boost to attracting private investment in this sector.


A six-day India-Myanmar Bilateral Army Exercise (IMBAX) between the armies of India and Myanmar recently began at the Joint Training Node at Umroi in Meghalaya.

9)India ranked 51st among 63 countries on the IMD Talent Rankings in terms of ability to attract, develop and retain talent. In previous rankings, India was ranked 54th.

10)The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) successfully tested supersonic landing parachute that will be deployed in its Mars rover mission set to launch in 2020.

NASA’s Mars 2020 mission will seek signs of ancient Martian life by deploying rover for investigating evidence in place and by caching drilled samples of Martian rocks for potential future return to Earth.

11)Dalveer Bhandari re-elected to International Court of Justice:- India’s nominee to International Court of Justice (ICJ) Dalveer Bhandari (70) was re-elected to fifth and the last seat of world court.

12)World Congress on Information Technology will be held in Hyderabad in Feb 2018. This is for the first time that such Congress will be held in India.

13)India’s largest Electronic Interlocking System has been set up at Kharagpur.

14)Charminar, Hyderabad’s historic emblem, has been chosen as a Swachh Bharat icon by the Union Government.

Some Facts about Charminar:- 
It was built by Quli Qutub Shah.
Quli Qutub Shah was the ruler of Golconda, one of the breakaway kingdom of Bahamani empire. He was also the founder of Qutub Shahi dynasty.
Quli Qutub Shah also built the Golconda fort. He founded the city of Hyderabad originally known as Bhagyanagar

15)Zimbabwe Crisis:- 
Zimbabwe got independence from Britain in 1980.
Mugabe has led the country under authoritarian rule since 1980.

President Robert Mugabe resigned ending 37 years of rule as the country’s Parliament launched impeachment proceedings. 

Country’s military has taken control of government offices, state TV, and more, but it claimed the takeover was not a coup.

Zimbabwe is a landlocked country located in Southern Africa, between the Zambezi and Limpopo rivers bordered by South Africa, Bostwania, Zambia and Mozambique. 

Capital city is Harare. 

16)World Fisheries Day : November 21

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