THE EXAMS MADE SIMPLE: 13th November 2017 The Hindu and PIB Daily Current Affairs


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13th November 2017 The Hindu and PIB Daily Current Affairs


What was the Woods Despatch?? What were other Education Reform Committees during the british rule??

What is Augmented Reality? How it can be useful in India?

1)Quadrilateral Group Meet :- 

Name of the Countries in the Quad Group :-
Aim is to counter China.

With this EAS(East Asia Summit) was also in News and ASEAN. 

ASEAN has 10 member countries:- It was Formed in 1967.

East Asia Summit has 18 Members :-


•World’s largest rural broadband connectivity project connecting 2.5 lakh Gram Panchayats covering 6 lakh villages.
•All Gram Panchayats to have WiFi hotspots by 2019. 
•Non discriminatory access to all service providers viz Mobile Operators, Internet Service Providers, Cable TV Operators, Content Providers
•It will help to bridge the digital divide, providing healthcare and educational services, efficient citizen service delivery and stimulate the rural economy.

BBNL is the body responsible for this.

SOME Problems:- 
Digital Illiteracy

4)COBOTS:- Collaborative Robots.

Background :- Generally Robots are labelled as Job Thieves or Anti- Workers Class but if instead of replacing Humans these Robots Complement Humans and free up labours to be used somewhere else. This Gives way to Collaborative Robots or COBOTS.

5) What is Artificial Intelligence:- 

The theory and development of computer systems able to perform tasks normally requiring human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and translation between languages.

This Can be Helpful in various Fields in India:-

I) In Early Warning Systems in case of disasters.
II)In governance for decision making and Planning.
III)In corporate Sector to study the patterns of consumption and demand supply algorithms.
IV)In Security of the borders.


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