THE EXAMS MADE SIMPLE: 10th November 2017 The Hindu and PIB Daily Current Affairs

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10th November 2017 The Hindu and PIB Daily Current Affairs

1)Delhi's Pollution up to its highest level !! Air Quality deteriorated.


Vehicular Pollution
Industrial Pollution
Crop Stubble Burning

Areas of Crop Stubble Burning:- Punjab , Haryana and Parts of Western Uttar Pradesh.

Here Farmers grow Wheat and Paddy and use the technique of Combine Harvesting.

Solutions Adopted upto Now:- ODD EVEN is coming back to delhi.
Entry of Trucks to be restricted.

2) New Train to Bangladesh:-  Bandhan Express from Kolkata to Khulna.

Also a new Bridge Bhairab is on Meghna River.

3) COP 23 will be held in Bonn Germany. 

COP 21 was in Paris
COP 22 in Marrakesh.
Conducted by UNFCCC.

4)Bonn Challenge:-

The Bonn Challenge is a global effort to bring 150 million hectares of the world’s deforested and degraded land into restoration by 2020, and 350 million hectares by 2030.

Underlying the Bonn Challenge is the forest landscape restoration (FLR) approach, which aims to restore ecological integrity at the same time as improving human well-being through multifunctional landscapes.

  • The Restoration will benefit the Rural Communities to increase their income
  • Achieving the 350 million hectare goal will generate about USD170 billion per year in net benefits from watershed protection, improved crop yields and forest products, and could sequester up to 1.7 gigatonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent annually.

The Bonn Challenge is not a new global commitment but rather a practical means of realizing many existing international commitments, including the CBD Aichi Target 15, the UNFCCC REDD+ goal, and the Rio+20 land degradation neutrality goal.

Bonn Challenge and India :

It was hosted and launched by Germany and the IUCN in Bonn on 2 September 2011 in collaboration with Global Partnership on Forest Landscape Restoration and targets delivery on the Rio Conventions and other outcomes of the 1992 Earth Summit.

In 2015 India made a Bonn challenge commitment to place into restoration 13 million hectares of degraded land by 2020 and an additional 8 million hectare by 2030. 

5)Global Education Monitoring Report: published by UNESCO. 

6)President Ram nath kovind's Bhopal Visit for Kabir Pragatotsava.

Indira Gandhi National Tribal University is in Amarkantak, Madhya Pradesh.

Amarkantak is the origin Place of Narmada and Son.
Son is the Tributary of Ganga River.
Narmada Flows through a rift valley.

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