THE EXAMS MADE SIMPLE: 7th October 2017 The Hindu and PIB Daily Current Affairs


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7th October 2017 The Hindu and PIB Daily Current Affairs

7th October 2017 The Hindu and PIB Daily Current Affairs

1)Norwegian Nobel Committee has selected Geneva-based International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN), a coalition of non-governmental organisations from over 100 countries around globe for 2017 Nobel Peace Prize.

2)Cabinet approves the Extradition Treaty between India and Lithuania:-

What the Treaty would DO ?:- The Treaty would provide a legal framework for seeking extradition of terrorists, economic offenders and other criminals from and to Lithuania.

3)Snow leopard photographed for first time in Arunachal Pradesh:- Scientists have obtained the first evidence of the elusive snow leopard in Arunachal Pradesh. Camera traps have captured images of the big cat at Thembang village’s Community Conserved Area.

What is a Community Conserved Area (CCA)?

In 2004, WWF-India introduced the concept of CCAs in the State to empower local communities to become active decision-makers and implement conservation initiatives.

Local communities in these CCAs form committees to undertake wildlife monitoring, patrolling and community-based tourism activities.

The conservation status of snow leopard was recently improved from “endangered” to “vulnerable”.

4)Now, SC Collegium to make judges’ appointments transparent:-
SC’s move to ensure transparency:= According to the SC’s decisions, recommendations on judicial appointments, elevations and transfers will be posted on the court website.

As a start, the Supreme Court has posted online detailed reasons for its October 3, 2017 recommendations for judicial appointments to the Madras HC and the Kerala HC.

Details are now available online under the tag “Collegium Resolutions”.

How will it ensure transparency?:-The information posted online will “indicate” reasons for the recommendation or rejection of a name for judicial appointment, transfer and elevation to HCs and the SC.

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