THE EXAMS MADE SIMPLE: 30th September and 1st October 2017 The Hindu and PIB Daily Current Affairs


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30th September and 1st October 2017 The Hindu and PIB Daily Current Affairs

1)ARPAN 3.0: Government rolls out new automation software for Defence Security Corps:- Defence Ministry has rolled out ARPAN 3.0 (Army Record Office Process Automation 3.0), a new automation software for Defence Security Corps personnel  to ease personal documentation and all issues related to their progression.

The software was jointly developed by Army Software Development Centre (ASDC) and Tech Mahindra, using state-of-the-art web-based technology.

ARPAN 3.0 will provide over 12 lakh soldiers of Indian Army easy access to their service records including pay and leave details and transfer and post.

2)NITI Aayog to host Global Entrepreneurship Summit 2017 in Hyderabad:-
The National Institution for Transforming India (NITI) Aayog in partnership with US Government is going to host 8th annual Global Entrepreneurship Summit (GES 2017) in Hyderabad (Telangana) from November 28 to 30, 2017.

The theme for this year is “Women First, Prosperity for All” to celebrate entrepreneurship in all its strength, diversity and entirety. This is the first time GES is being held in South Asia.

3)The third India International Science Festival (IISF-2017) will be held in Chennai, Tamil Nadu from October 13-16, 2017. It will be organised by Ministry of Earth Sciences (MoES), Ministry of Science and Technology (MoST) and  Vijnana Bharati (VIBHA).

The objective of IISF 2017 is to instil scientific temper among masses and showcase India’s contribution in field of science and technology over years.

4)In a major decision, the union environment ministry notified the new Wetland (Conservation and Management) Rules 2017 which prohibit a range of activities in wetlands like setting up and expansion of industries, waste dumping and discharge of effluents.

What are the New Provisions:-

State Wetlands Authority (SWA):=The new rules stipulate setting up of a State Wetlands Authority in each State and union territories that will be headed by the State’s environment minister and include a range of government officials. They will also include one expert each in the fields of wetland ecology, hydrology, fisheries, landscape planning and socioeconomics to be nominated by the state government.

Functions of SWA:=These authorities will need to develop a comprehensive list of activities to be regulated and permitted within the notified wetlands and their zone of influence, recommend additional prohibited activities for specific wetlands, define strategies for conservation and wise use of wetlands, and undertake measures for enhancing awareness within stakeholders and local communities

Digital Inventory of All Wetlands:=The State authorities will also need to prepare a list of all wetlands of the State or union territory within three months, a list of wetlands to be notified within six months, a comprehensive digital inventory of all wetlands within one year which will be updated every ten years.

Prohibited Activities:-The rules prohibit activities like

  • conversion of wetland for non-wetland uses including encroachment of any kind, 
  • setting up of any industry and expansion of existing industries, 
  • manufacture or handling or storage or 
  • disposal of hazardous substances and construction and demolition waste, 
  • solid waste dumping, 
  • discharge of untreated wastes and effluents from industries, cities, towns, villages and other human settlements.

National Wetlands Committee (NWC): The rules stipulates for setting up of NWC, headed by MoEFCC Secretary, to monitor implementation of these rules and oversee work carried out by States.

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