THE EXAMS MADE SIMPLE: 25th 26th and 27th of August 2017 The Hindu and PIB Daily Current Affairs

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25th 26th and 27th of August 2017 The Hindu and PIB Daily Current Affairs

1) Historic judgement of Supreme Court regarding Right to privacy :- 

What is the Judgement :- The Supreme Court has ruled right to privacy is intrinsic to the entire fundamental rights chapter of the Constitution.

The court has held that “the right to privacy is protected as intrinsic part of the right to life and personal liberty under Article 21 and as a part of the freedoms guaranteed by Part III of the Constitution”.

Background:- The decision to set up the nine-judge bench was taken to examine the correctness of two apex court judgements delivered in the cases of Kharak Singh and MP Sharma, decided by six and eight judge benches respectively, in which it was held that this right was not a fundamental right.

Why We need Privacy :-  It is a well-established fact that privacy helps individuals maintain autonomy, and exercise power over information.

Now What is the Future of Aadhar :- Now Supreme Court will Test Aadhar and some other things like Sec.377 (LGBT), Cow Slaughter Ban, Surrogacy, Abortion related rights in the lines of this new Judgement.

Is Right to Privacy an Absolute Right :-No, The right to privacy, shall be subject to reasonable restrictions.

How SC verdict to affect ban on slaughter :- It is argued that the right to eat food of one’s choice was now protected under privacy.

What is Section 377 of IPC: 

2)Pfizer Gets Patent in India For Pneumonia Vaccine.
Name of the Vaccine is Prevenar 13.
Now till 2026 , a generic Drug can not be made for this.

India has the world's largest number of Pneumonia cases.
So this will be beneficial for the company but since Generic can not be made, it will increase out of Pocket Expenditure of people. Poor People will hardly be able to afford it. (Cost $170 i.e Nearly Rs.11000)

Pneumonia is a Lung disease.

3)Shivasamudram & Mekedatu Hydro Projects are built on Cauvery River by Karnataka Govt.
Tamil Nadu is now challenging these Projects.

4)Moss serves as a cheap pollution monitor: Scientists:- According to Japanese scientists, delicate mosses found on rocks and trees in cities around the world can be used as low-cost bioindicator to monitor urban pollution and to measure the impact of atmospheric change.
As a bioindicator, mosses respond to pollution or drought-stress by changing its shape, density or disappearing.

This characteristic will allow scientists to calculate atmospheric alterations and air pollution.

5)What is 1 Billion- 1 Billion- 1 Billoon regarding Financial Inclusion and Digital Inclusion :- 

It is related to JAM Trinity i.e

  • Jan DHan Yojana 
  • Aadhar
  • Mobile

1 billion-1 billion-1 billion vision:-  That is 1 billion unique Aadhaar numbers linked to 1 billion bank accounts and 1 billion mobile phones. Once that is done, all of India can become part of the financial and digital mainstream.

6)Rural Games to take Place in Delhi :- Union Minister of Youth Affairs and Sports Minister announced that the first edition of Rural Games or Grameen Khel Mahotsav will kick-start from Delhi and will take place between 28th August to 3rd September, 2017.

The Rural Games will aim at popularising the indigenous games like wrestling, athletics etc. and will also have fun games like Matka Race, Tug of War for senior citizens to add the fun element in the games.

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