THE EXAMS MADE SIMPLE: 20th August 2017 The Hindu and PIB Daily Current Affairs

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20th August 2017 The Hindu and PIB Daily Current Affairs

1)India’s roads to be safer, greener under new NHAI plans:- 

What has happened:- National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) set to roll out an ‘incident management system’.

Why Safer:- Under this, ambulances will be stationed every 50 kilometres to be able to respond to any mishap within 15 minutes of it being reported on a national accident helpline.

Why Greener:- Untill Now there is one Major Problem with CNG Trucks etc is the scarcity of CNG Filling Stations but under new plans Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) fuel stations will come up with wayside amenities on highways.

What is Golden Hour:- It is the First Hour after any mishap or accident within which if the person is taken to Hospital, His/her life can be saved.

2)Facts About Razia Sultan:- Razia Sultan, a brave sultan belonged to slave dynasty and was the first mulim women to rule India and only women to occupy the throne of Delhi.
She succeeded her father Shams-ud-din Iltutmish to the Sultanate of Delhi in 1236.

She tried to improve the infrastructure of the country by encouraging trade, building roads, digging wells. And also she established schools, academies, centers for research, and public libraries.

She contributed even in the field of art and culture and encouraged poets, painters and musicians.

Reason for her end was her love for a siddi Abyssinian slave turned nobleman named Yaqut(yakut).

3)Street light national programme (SLNP) :- (PIB)

Objective of SLNP Programme:-

The Electricity Distribution Company and Energy Efficiency Services Limited (EESL) a public sector body of Government of India are implementing the programme.
The main objective is to promote efficient lighting, enhance awareness on using efficient equipment which reduce electricity bills and help preserve environment.

Under Street Light National Programme (SLNP), replacement of 3.5 crore conventional street light with LED's will result in saving of 9,000 million units annually.

Safety of LEDs - They are completely safe and do not represent any hazard to the human eye.
When compared to CFLs, LEDs do not have mercury and therefore, have no negative impact on environment.

The LEDs procured under the DELP scheme are run through series of stringent quality tests

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