THE EXAMS MADE SIMPLE: 25th July 2017 The Hindu and PIB Daily Current Affairs

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25th July 2017 The Hindu and PIB Daily Current Affairs

1)14th President of India Hon. Ram Nath Kovind Ji took the oath today.

As per the Article 60 of the Constitution of India, every President and every person acting as President or discharging the functions of the President before entering upon office shall make and subscribe oath to the office. The oath inter alia includes the oath to preserve, protect and defend the constitution.

The oath is administered by Chief Justice of India or in his absence by the senior-most Judge of the Supreme Court available.

2)The Admiralty (Jurisdiction and Settlement of Maritime Claims) Bill, 2017 has been passed by Rajya Sabha.
Bill has already been passed in the Lok Sabha.

The Bill aims to establish a legal framework to consolidate the existing laws relating to admiralty jurisdiction of courts, admiralty proceedings on maritime claims, arrest of vessels and related issues. 

It also aims to replace archaic laws which are hindering efficient governance.

Some Important Points from the Bill:- 

  • The Bill confers admiralty jurisdiction on High Courts located in coastal states of India and this jurisdiction extends up to territorial waters.

  • The Bill provides for prioritisation of maritime claims and maritime liens while providing protection to owners, charterers, operators, crew members and seafarers at the same time.

What was the Earlier Process:-

Earlier only the High Courts of Bombay, Calcutta and Madras could take up maritime cases.

The Bill extends the power to the High Courts of Karnataka, Kerala, Hyderabad, Orissa and Gujarat, besides any other High Courts as notified by the Centre.

Appeals:  Any judgments made by a single Judge of the High Court can be appealed against to a Division Bench of the High Court.  Further, the Supreme Court may, on application by any party, transfer an admiralty proceeding at any stage from one High Court to any other High Court.

3)Sexual Harassment electronic-Box (SHe-Box)  :- 

It is an online complaint management system for registering complaints related to sexual harassment at workplace.

It was launched by the Ministry of Women and Child Development.

The complaint management system has been developed to ensure the effective implementation of Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act (the SH Act), 2013.

4)The government has launched a mobile app- Aarambh- for road maintenance. (PIB)

This Mobile Phone App aims at use of GIS based mapping for making road inventories, condition surveys, and producing cost estimates and other relevant data for preparation and monitoring of annual road maintenance plans.

5)U.R. Rao, genial genius of ISRO has passed away:- Udupi Ramachandra Rao, former chairman of the Indian Space Research Organisation, acclaimed space scientist acknowledged as the father of Indian satellite technology. He gave the country its rst spacecraftHe gave the country its rst spacecraft.

As the chairman of overseeing body ADCOS or the Advisory Committee on Space Sciences, he finalised, shaped, refined or designed the Chandrayaan-1 lunar mission of 2008; the Mars Orbiter Mission of 2013; and the upcoming Chandrayaan-2 set for 2018.

Editorial From the Hindu :- 

"About the Confusions on GST Council and appreensions that this GST Council is an attack on the Federalism of India."

Confusion regarding GST Council:= 

GST Council is mentioned under Art. 279A. The newly introduced Article 279A describes Council’s decisions as “recommendations”(advisory).

If the Recommendations are  advisory recommendations then that means that the  States can choose to ignore the council’s advice, by levying additional tax not only on the sale of goods but also on services and manufacturing.

On the other hand, if these recommendations are treated as obligatory, then that means that the states are left with a situation wherethey have altogether surrendered their fiscal autonomy to the Central government.

The Constitution makers wanted to give the states some sort of financial autonomy but now the balance is again shifting towards the Centre.

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