THE EXAMS MADE SIMPLE: 19th July 2017 The Hindu and PIB Daily Current Affairs

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19th July 2017 The Hindu and PIB Daily Current Affairs

1)Aadhaar: 9-judge Bench to consider whether privacy is a basic right.(THE HINDU) :-

What does the Petetion Say :- The petitioners have argued that right to privacy is part of Article 21, the right to life, and interspersed in Article 19, though not explicitly stated in the Constitution.

Note :- *** (You can check this in Laksmikant Polity book also, It is written there since the earlier smaller bench Judgements of Supreme Court have taken Right to Privacy as a fundamental right.

2)World’s northernmost coral reefs bleached:- (THE HINDU)

Where ?:- Bleaching has damaged the world’s northernmost coral reef in Japan.

Some advantages of Healthy Coral:- 

  • Healthy coral reefs protect shores from storms and 
  • offer habitats for fish and other marine life, including ecologically and economically important species.

Corals are Tough to Recover:- After coral dies, reefs quickly degrade and the structures that coral build erode. While coral can recover from mild bleaching, severe or long-term episodes are often lethal.

3)National Board for Promotion and Development of Yoga and Naturopathy constituted:- (PIB)

The Ministry of AYUSH has constituted a National Board for Promotion and Development of Yoga & Naturopathy (NBPDYN) for regulation of education & practice of Yoga & Naturopathy.

Ministry of AYUSH has in association with Quality Council of India (QCI) has developed a scheme for voluntary certification of Yoga professionals.

About Quality Council of India :- (About this a Question in UPSC 2017 Prelims a Question Came )

Quality Council of India (QCI) is a Government of India body that assures quality standards across all spheres of economic and social activities. 

Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion, along with other key industry associations, i.e. Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India, Confederation of Indian Industry and Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry, formed QCI in 1997 to provide accreditation services in the fields of education, healthcare, industries, institutions, professionals, quality promotion and quality assessment.

The council runs autonomously under Ministry of Commerce and Industry and is a non-profit organization with its own Memorandum of Association.

4)The National Institute of Ocean Technology (NIOT), an autonomous body of the Ministry of Earth Sciences, has indigenously developed and demonstrated Low Temperature Thermal Desalination (LTTD) technology for conversion of sea water to drinking water.


5)FAME India Scheme:-(PIB) Faster Adoption and    Manufacturing of Hybrid & Electric vehicles in India [FAME-India] for a period of 6 years, till 2020, wherein it is intended to support the hybrid /electric vehicle market development and its manufacturing eco-system to achieve self-sustenance at the end of the stipulated period.

The scheme is one of the green initiatives of the Government of  India.      

The scheme has 4 focus areas i.e. 

  • Technology Development, 
  • Demand Creation, 
  • Pilot Projects and 
  • Charging Infrastructure.

Some Fact Based News:-

--->United States Navy successfully tested the world’s first-ever active Laser Weapons System (LaWS).
LaWS operates within an invisible part of the electromagnetic spectrum.
It is absolutely silent and incredibly effective. It strikes are extremely accurate, silent and invisible.

--->India’s largest Commercial Vehicles manufacturer Tata Motors has unveiled country’s first Bio-CNG (bio-methane) bus.

The bus was rolled out at the Urja Utsav, bio-energy programme, organised by the Union Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas.

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