THE EXAMS MADE SIMPLE: 17th and 18th July 2017 The Hindu and PIB Daily Current Affairs

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17th and 18th July 2017 The Hindu and PIB Daily Current Affairs


1)Scientists develop 3D-printed soft silicone heart:= (The Hindu)

Scientists from ETH Zurich in Switzerland have developed a 3D-printed soft silicone heart that closely resembles and functions like the human organ

It is not exact biological replica of the actual, but can help to save lives of people who suffer from cardiac failure.

It can be also used as an artificial heart in cases when patient is awaiting a heart transplant.

2)SOHUM: Indigenously developed low-cost hearing screening device for newborns launched:= (Times of India)

The Union Ministry of Science and Technology has launched SOHUM, an indigenously developed low-cost hearing screening device for newborns.

The innovative medical device has been developed by the School of International Biodesign (SIB) startup Sohum Innovation Labs India Pvt Ltd under Department of Biotechnology (DBT) supported (SIB).

School of International Biodesign:- 

SIB is a flagship Program of the DBT(Dept. of Biotechnology) aimed to develop innovative and affordable medical devices as per India’s unmet clinical needs and to train the next generation of medical technology innovators in India.

It is implemented jointly at All India Institutes of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) and IIT Delhi in collaboration with International partners.

3)National Strategic Plan for Malaria := (Indian Express)

The Union Health Ministry and Family Welfare for first time has unveiled National Strategic Plan (NSP) for Malaria Elimination (2017-22).

It has set malaria elimination deadline as 2027, three years ahead of the global deadline.

Four components, based on recommendations WHO:=

  1. Diagnosis and case management; 
  2. surveillance and epidemic response; 
  3. prevention — integrated vector management; 
  4. cross-cutting interventions, which include communication, advocacy, R&D and other initiatives.

Funding:= It will be managed from government sources, international donors, and the corporate sector as part of corporate social responsibility (CSR).

Background:- Malaria is a vector borne disease caused by parasitic protozoans belonging to the Plasmodium type.
It is most commonly transmitted by an infected female Anopheles mosquito.

According to the World Malaria Report 2016, India accounts for 89% of the incidence of malaria in the South-East Asia region.

4)GSI discovers millions of tonnes of precious metals and minerals in Indian waters:- (Economic Times)

The huge presence of marine resources was first identified off Mangaluru, Chennai, Mannar Basin, Andaman and Nicobar Islands and around Lakshadweep in early 2014.

The amount of lime mud, phosphate-rich and calcareous sediments, hydrocarbons, metalliferous deposits and micronodules.

GSI Project :- Three state-of-the-art research vessels — Samudra Ratnakar, Samudra Kaustabh and Samudra Saudikama — carried out the 'High Resolution Seabed Mapping and Natural Resource Evaluation'. "The main objectives were to identify potential zones of favourable mineralisation and evaluate marine mineral resources.

About Geological Survey of India (GSI):=

  • The GSI is a government organisation in India, attached to the Ministry of Mines for conducting geological surveys and studies. 
  • It is one of the premier organisations of earth science survey and research in the world. 
  • The GSI was established in 1851.

5)The Centre – for the first time under a new scheme called Trade Infrastructure for Export Scheme (TIES) launched in March to address the infrastructure problem — has given its approval for three proposals.

Proposals include:=

  • An Integrated Cargo Terminal (ICT) at the Imphal International Airport.
  • Modernisation of infrastructure facility in Karnataka for marine exports.
  • Construction of a new ‘Standard Design Factory’ building at Cochin Special Economic Zone (SEZ).

About TIES:=

The Scheme is focussed on addressing the needs of the exporters. The scheme replaces a centrally sponsored scheme — Assistance to States for creating Infrastructure for the Development and growth of Exports (ASIDE).

The objective of the TIES is to enhance export competitiveness by bridging gaps in export infrastructure, creating focused export infrastructure and first-mile and last-mile connectivity.

6)Govt. panel to study cow derivatives:- The government has given the project the acronym SVAROP, which stands for Scientific Validation and Research on Panchagavya, and says it is a “national programme” that’s being conducted by the Department of Science and Technology, Department of Biotechnology, and the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) of the Ministry of Science and Technology in collaboration with IIT-Delhi.


7)Cambodia Temple Getting into UNESCO Heritage list :-

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