THE EXAMS MADE SIMPLE: 29th May 2017 The Hindu and PIB Daily Current Affairs

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29th May 2017 The Hindu and PIB Daily Current Affairs

1) ISRO to launch its heaviest rocket- GSLV Mk- III

  • Geo-synchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle Mark III,called the 'Fat Boy Satellite'
  • It can carry and place up to 8 tonnes in a low Earth orbit, enough to carry India’s crew module.
  • Capable of carrying the heaviest satellites.
  • ISRO has already prepared plans for hoisting a two to three human crew into space as soon as the government gives it a sanction, If the human venture materialises, India would become only the fourth country after Russia, the U.S. and China to have a human space flight programme.

2) ‘See-through’ frog (Hyalinobatrachium yaku) at risk of extinction:- 

  • It is a newly identified frog species — with transparent skin through which its beating heart is visible
  • Discovered in the Amazonian lowlands of Ecuador, has unique physical and behavioural traits.
  • They are at threat because of habitat loss.Glass frogs need pristine streams to breed in.

3) Newly built Aeronautical Test Range (ATR) of the Defence Research & Development Organisation (DRDO) at Chitradurga in Karnataka:-
  • First of its kind range in the country exclusively meant to conduct flight-tests of indigenous unmanned and manned aircrafts, developed by the DRDO including the naval and trainer versions of the Light Combat Aircraft, the unmanned air vehicles- Rustom-I and Rustom-II (Tapas); the Airborne Early Warning & Control Systems (AEW&C), Air-to-Ground weapons, parachutes and aerostats, etc. 
  • This outdoor testing and evaluating facility has been set up by the Aeronautical Development Establishment (ADE), one of the premier laboratories of the DRDO.

4) Unique gene variant in people living in isolated Greek villages:-
  • It protects them from heart diseases despite enjoying a high-fat diet.
  • The variant, rs145556679*, is associated with lower levels of both ‘bad’ natural fats and ‘bad’ cholesterol, the factors that lower the risk of cardiovascular disease
  • The variant may be almost unique to the Mylopotamos population.
One Important Fact :- LDL (Low Density Lipoprotein) is Bad Cholestrol as it blocks the arteries and cause heart diseases and HDL(High Density Lipoprotein) is Good Cholesterol. (ASKED IN CAPF Exam).

5)A book on Reang tribe is being Published under Tripura Govt. Tribal Reasearch Institute:- Reang is a tribal community residing in Tripura.
They practise Jhum cultivation and reside in ‘tong ghar’ (bamboo huts) that are built on a raised platform.
Reang (also known as Riang) are among the 19 tribes of Tripura, the only one to be classified as a ‘Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Group (PVTG)’ in the State of Tripura.

Fact Based News:- 

  • India’s C.A Bhavani Devi has become first Indian to win a Gold Medal in an international fencing tournament.

  • G7 summit:- The leaders of the United States, Canada, Britain, France, Germany, Italy and Japan – countries collectively known as the Group of Seven (G7) – recently held a two-day summit in Taormina, Italy. The bloc meets annually to discuss a wide range of issues, including global economy, security and energy.
  • Sangeet Natak Akademi Award for Govinda Bhat:- Yakshagana artiste Surikumeri K. Govinda Bhat has been chosen for the Kendra Sangeet Natak Akademi Award for 2016. He is among the nine artistes chosen for the award in theatre category.Yakshgana is Folk art of Karnataka.

Questions of the Day :-

1)Global Population Prospects Report is released by?

2)Which Ministry Publishes the Gazzette of India?

3)What is Nabakalebara?

4)New IMF Reforms?

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