THE EXAMS MADE SIMPLE: 09th May 2017 The Hindu and PIB Daily Current Affairs


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09th May 2017 The Hindu and PIB Daily Current Affairs

09th May 2017

1)Judge of the Calcutta High Court ordered 5 Years Rigorous Imprisonment for Chief Justice of India and 7 Others. 
A Fine has also been imposed of Rs.1 Lakh each.

Under which act :- Under Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act of 1989 which was amended in 2015.

Now there are serious Questions After this :-

i) Can a High Court Judge do all these things?
ii)What are the available options to the Chief Justice of India Now??

For Answers we have to wait for the Actions that the CJI will take .

2)Last light from Mumbai to Karachi takes of:- PK275, an Airbus 320 flight that was Pakistan International Airlines’ (PIA) last Mumbai–Karachi flight. This Flight is suspended from Monday.

PIA had flown this route continuously since 1976, except during the Kargil war.

3)India will soon boast the world’s tallest railway bridge over the Chenab in Jammu and Kashmir.

It will be taller than Eiffel Tower.

4)Project Lotus of the Department of Biotechnology under Ministry of Science and Technology.

5)About NBT(National Book Trust) :- National Book Trust (NBT) is an Indian publishing house, founded in 1957 as an autonomous body under the Ministry of Education of the Government of India(Now this Ministry has been subsumed under the HRD Ministry). 
NBT now functions under aegis of Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India.

What are the Activities Performed by NBT:- The activities of the Trust include publishing, promotion of books and reading, promotion of Indian books abroad, assistance to authors and publishers, and promotion of children’s literature.

6)China ofers to rename OBOR to allay India’s fears :- 

Background:- CPEC of the OBOR will pass through the POK i.e Pak occupied Kashmir , so India has a lot of reservations about that.

So Chinese Ambassador is suggesting for changing the Name of CPEC ,if that would ally India's Fears.

Mr. Luo outlined a 4-point solution to “manage differences” between India and China:- 

i)a new treaty on cooperation,
ii)restarting talks on a free trade agreement (FTA), 
iii)an early resolution to the border issue and iv)aligning the B&R(Belt and Road initiative of China) with India’s “Act East policy.”

Some Important Facts regarding OBOR:- 
All the SAARC Nations (Except India) have already igned for the Initiative.

China is Holding the Belt and Road Forum in May 14 in Beijing.

7)USA under the Trump Administration is Increasing the Trade Barriers for Indian Goods, So Centre will soon raise the issue as soon as the new USTR(United States Trade Representative Takes Charge).

What are the Trade Barriers that USA is Posing in Front of India:-

i)According to the Indian Commerce Ministry, the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) has “arbitrarily” listed 23 items produced in India on the ‘List of Goods Produced by Child Labour or Forced Labour’ — which is in effect a ban on their import.

ii)Indian pharmaceutical exports to the U.S. are hit by the increase in registration fees, approval delays and low approval rates for registrations mandatory for sale of all new drugs in the U.S.

iii)ayurveda and traditional Indian medicines are hit by the U.S. requirement of clinical trials while the practice of traditional Indian medicine systems such as Siddha and Unani are not allowed by the U.S. Federal Government.

iv)market access barriers for Indian rice(Basmati).

v)The Ministry has also opposed the U.S. requirement of irradiation treatment and inspection of mangoes prior to shipping from India. The Ministry said this is a timeconsuming and costly certification process hurting the competitiveness of Indian mangoes in the U.S. market.

8)About CRISIL:- CRISIL (formerly Credit Rating Information Services of India Limited) is a global analytical company providing ratings, research, and risk and policy advisory services.

CRISIL’s majority shareholder is Standard & Poor's, a division of McGraw Hill Financial and provider of financial market intelligence.

It has said that Steel production target of India are tough to meet.

Target :- The government’s ambition to add 182 million tonnes of new steel capacities over the next 14 years under the National Steel Policy.

Why the Target seems Unachievable:- Only 60 million tonnes of capacity has been added in the past decade and stagnant demand in the past five years had aggravated the debt position of the sector.

9)There was an interview with Sam Pitroda Just remember that :- He is regarded as the father of India’s telecom revolution.

10)An ambitious project of the Kerala Forest Department at the Chinnar Wildlife Sanctuary (CWS) to rehabilitate Indian Star tortoises (Geochelone elegans) seized from smugglers has turned into a major success. This makes the CWS the only rehabilitation centre for star tortoises in the country.

Under IUCN - STAR TORTOISES are Vulnerable.

11) SmartGram Initiative of the RashtraPati Bhawan :- The SMARTGRAM initiative of Rashtrapati Bhavan was inaugurated for five villages of Haryana by the President of India, Shri Pranab Mukherjee on July 2, 2016.

A large number of projects have been undertaken in the initially selected five villages of Haryana under the SMARTGRAM initiative in the fields of agriculture, skill development, energy, education, heath, employment generation, developing entrepreneurship etc.

Probable Questions:- 

Question.1 Smart Gram initiative is the initiative of 
A)Ministry of Rural Develoment
B)Minitry of Electronics and Information Technology
D)Rashtrapati Bhawan

Answer:- D

Question 2. SmartGram Initiative has been launched for which of the Following State:-

A)Madhya Pradesh
D)Uttar Pradesh

Answer - C

12)India unanimously elected to head UN-Habitat, the United Nations’ Human Settlements Programme:-

India has been unanimously elected as the President of the UN-Habitat.

About UN-HABITAT:- An organ of the United Nations’ Organisation (UNO) that promotes socially and environmentally sustainable human settlements across the world.

UN-Habitat reports to the United Nations General Assembly.

Last Year HABITAT-III was held  and in that New Urban AGENDA was Adopted.
Remeber the Place for HABITAT -III :- Quito,Ecuador.

***HABITAT - I took Place in 1976, HABITAT-II took Place in 1996, so that means these are held every 20 Years.

Questions for the Day:-

1)NILAMBUR TEAK is from Which State and Why was it in News Recently?

2)What is Cloud Seeding and Which Chemical is used in it ?? (Hint:- It is a Silver Compound)

3)What is Osiris Rex?

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