THE EXAMS MADE SIMPLE: 06th May 2017 The Hindu and PIB Daily Current Affairs


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06th May 2017 The Hindu and PIB Daily Current Affairs

1)SC upholds death in Nirbhaya case:- So Finally Justice Delayed was not Justice Denied, The Demons who were involved in 16th December Rape case were ordered to be hanged till death.

What the Supreme Court Said:- “If at all there is a case warranting award of death sentence, it is the present case where human lust was allowed to take such a demonic form”.

There was one important point also :- The Supreme Court's sole woman judge and a member of the Bench which confirmed the death penalty in the Nirbhaya case was Justice R.Banumathi.

2)Centre notiies draft ‘no ly’ rules :-
Background : Shiv Sena M.P using his Slippers to beat an employee of Air India.

What has happended:- Airlines can impose three levels of ban

i)three months for disruptive behaviour such as physical gestures; 
ii)six months for physically abusive behaviour such as pushing, kicking and sexual harassment; 
iii)and two years or more for life threatening behaviour, including damage to aircraft systems.

3)GSAT - 9 i.e SAARC Satellite/South Asia Satellite wwas launched Successfully by India.

All SAARC Members other than Pakistan will reap the benefits of this.
Prime Minister hosts a surprise ‘mini-SAARC summit’ via videoconferencing after GSLV launch

4)SC warns against delay in enacting anti-torture law:-
SC has once again reminded the Centre to come out with a law where they expicitly consider Torture as a violation of Human Dignity and Liberty.
As this will not only help in the betterment of Article 21 of the Indian Constitution but also has International significance.

India, which signed on the U.N. Convention against Torture way back in 1997, had still not ratified the Convention which defined torture  as a criminal offence.

5)Entire Assam declared ‘disturbed’:-The Centre has declared the entire State of Assam a “disturbed” area under the Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act for three more months, citing various violent activities by insurgent groups ULFA, NDFB and others.

6)Some Recommendations of N.K Singh Panel Report on FRBM Act of 2003 were in News ::-

i)The Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management Review Committee chaired by Mr. Singh has recommended that the Centre should target a fiscal deficit of 2.5% of GDP by 2023

ii)Debt-to- GDP ratio of 60% for the Union and State governments combined by 2023

7)Novel molecule to treat cancer:- A novel small molecule, designed and synthesised by Indian researchers, has shown promise in targeted killing of cancer cells.

Remember the Name of the Molecule:- DISARIB

The molecule (Disarib) works by binding itself to a protein called BCL2, which suppresses the death of cancerous cells. Affects only the Cancer Cells and spares the Normal Cells.

Questions of the Day :- 

1)Manipuri Dance?
2)Countries through which the Train From China to London Passes?

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