THE EXAMS MADE SIMPLE: Why do celestial bodies experience an equatorial bulge?

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Why do celestial bodies experience an equatorial bulge?

The answer is that there is a centrifugal force that depends on the distance from the equatorial plane of rotating bodies. This force is observed in the rotating frame of reference and is an outward force. This force varies depending on distance from the equatorial plane.

Due to this, the acceleration due to gravity varies as we move from the equator to the poles. 

On earth this variation, as measured by the flattening ratio, is 1.29 approximately. Saturn has the maximum flattening ratio of approximately 1.10 because of its mass and speed of rotation.

Not just the planets in the solar system, all celestial bodies that are rotating will have a celestial bulge depending on the Surface gravity and rate of spinning(Centripetal Force).


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