THE EXAMS MADE SIMPLE: Unnat Bharat Abhiyan

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Unnat Bharat Abhiyan

Launched by the Ministry of HRD, GOI with IIT - Delhi as the Co-ordinating Institute.

To involve professional and other higher educational institutions of the country in the process of indigenous development of self-sufficient and sustainable village clusters in tune with the notion of 'GramSwaraj' propounded by Mahatma Gandhi

In accordance with the above mentioned vision, Unnat Bharat Abhiyan will strive to pursue the following: -

Develop the necessary mechanism and proper networking among educational institutions, implementation agencies (PanchaytiRaj Institutions) and the grass root voluntary organizations to enable effective intervention at the field level.

Select suitable rural clusters and effectively participate in the holistic development of these clusters using eco-friendly sustainable technologies and local resources creating sufficient employment opportunities in the process, harnessing multifarious Govt. schemes as well as the efforts of voluntary organizations.

Simultaneously, reorient the ethos, the academic curricula and research programs in professional institutions to make these more compatible with the national needs including those of rural areas, thus contributing to capacity building towards indigenous development.

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