THE EXAMS MADE SIMPLE: Turkish constitutional referendum, 2017 | UPSC

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Turkish constitutional referendum, 2017 | UPSC

Turkish constitutional referendum, 2017

18 proposed amendments were there.

If approved, the office of the Prime Minister would be abolished and the existing parliamentary system of government would be replaced with an executive presidency and a presidential system.

The number of seats in Parliament were proposed to be raised from 550 to 600 while the president was proposed to be given more control over appointments to the Supreme Board of Judges and Prosecutors.

The referendum was held under a state of emergency that was declared following a failed military coup attempt in July 2016.


Results are Likely to be in Favour of the Erdogan. Nearly 51.3 % people have already agreed to the Amendments.

Lets See Hoe the Future Turns for Turkey.
SOURCE:= Wikipedia

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