THE EXAMS MADE SIMPLE: Cell Potency : Totipotent Cells, Pluripotent Cells, Oligopotent, Multipotent and Unipotent


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Cell Potency : Totipotent Cells, Pluripotent Cells, Oligopotent, Multipotent and Unipotent

Cell potency is a cell's ability to differentiate into other cell types. The more cell types a cell can differentiate into, the greater its potency.

Totipotency:-Totipotency is the ability of a single cell to divide and produce all of the differentiated cells in an organism. Spores and zygotes are examples of totipotent cells.

In the spectrum of cell potency, totipotency represents the cell with the greatest differentiation potential.

Pluripotency:-Pluripotency refers to a stem cell that has the potential to differentiate into any of the three germ layers: endoderm (interior stomach lining, gastrointestinal tract, the lungs), mesoderm (muscle, bone, blood, urogenital), or ectoderm (epidermal tissues and nervous system).

Induced pluripotency:-Induced pluripotent stem cells, commonly abbreviated as iPS cells or iPSCs are a type of pluripotent stem cell artificially derived from a non-pluripotent cell, typically an adult somatic cell.

Multipotency:-Multipotency describes progenitor cells which have the gene activation potential to differentiate into discrete cell types. For example, a multipotent blood stem cell is a hematopoietic cell—and this cell type can differentiate itself into several types of blood cell types like lymphocytes, monocytes, neutrophils, etc., but cannot differentiate into brain cells, bone cells or other non-blood cell types.

Multipotent cells are found in many, but not all human cell types.

Oligopotency:- Oligopotency is the ability of progenitor cells to differentiate into a few cell types. It is a degree of potency. Examples of oligopotent stem cells are the lymphoid or myeloid stem cells.

Unipotency:-A unipotent cell is the concept that one stem cell has the capacity to differentiate into only one cell type. It is currently unclear if true unipotent stem cells exist.

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Credit :- Wikipedia 

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