THE EXAMS MADE SIMPLE: 30th April 2017 The Hindu and PIB Daily Current Affairs

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30th April 2017 The Hindu and PIB Daily Current Affairs

1)The Technique of FOUR WATERS in Telangana :-

What is 'Four Waters' Technique:- It is a Technique of improving Ground water level and raising 3 crops a year. Brainchild of Hanumantha Rao(engineer)who implemented it under Drought Prone Area Development Prog.

Distinctive Feature of this Technique is that Cement is not used instead earthen material is used.

Central Focus is on Rain water Surface water and Ground Water.

Model Prelims Question :-

'Four Waters' which was in News Recently is ?
a)Technique of Raising 4(Four) Rainfed Crops in the Same Field
b)Technique of Ground Water Level Improvement and raising 3 Crops in a year
c)Interlinking Project of 4 Rivers one each from North , South, East and West
d)None of the Above

2)In the Wake of Tayyip Erdogan's Visit to India , Lets Learn about Turkey Today , a very important area for Prelims:-

Bordering Countries:- Turkey is bordered by eight countries:=
Greece(1) and Bulgaria(2) to the northwest; 
Georgia(3) to the northeast; 
Armenia(4), the Azerbaijani(5) exclave of Nakhchivan and Iran(6) to the east; 
Iraq(7) and Syria(8) to the south.

Encircled by Seas on 3 Sides:- 
Agean Sea
Mediterranean Sea
Black Sea

***The Bosphorus, the Sea of Marmara, and the Dardanelles, Form together the Turkish Straits.

Model Question For Prelims:-

1) Which of the Following Countries Form Border with Turkey ?
    i)Azerbaizan ii)Armenia iii)Syria iv) Lebanon
a) i,ii and iii
b)i and ii only
c)i and iii only
d)i and iv only

3)Some Important Facts ABout TB :- TB is caused by Bacteria called Mycobacterium Tuberculosis.
Affects Lungs mostly but can affect other body parts too.

Some Medicines For TB in News Recently :-

Bedaquiniline is the most imp. one.
Isoniazid, Pyrazinamide, Ethambutol

India has target to eliminate TB by 2025.

4)Poet Shankha Ghosh conferred Jnanpith Award:=

Bengali poet Sankha Ghosh has been conferred the 52nd Jnanpith Award.
He is also a Sahitya Akademi awardee.
Also honoured with Padma Bhushan in 2011.
The Jnanpith award was instituted in 1961.

Eligibility: Any Indian citizen who writes in any of the official languages of India is eligible for the honour.

Questions For the Day :- 

i)What is Carbon Trading as Per Kyoto Protocol?
ii)Recently Majuli Island was in News , Why??
iii)Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan?

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