THE EXAMS MADE SIMPLE: 2nd April 2017 The Hindu and PIB Daily Current Affairs and News

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2nd April 2017 The Hindu and PIB Daily Current Affairs and News

1)Saving charm of old Kolkata:- A campaign to save Kolkata’s architectural legacy, reflected in the city’s unique and colourful neighbourhoods or ‘paras,’ has gone international with the launch of a website dedicated to the cause.
The website is

2)Wildlife ambulance to ill up waterholes:-
What has happened:-  Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary (WWS), which has been facing an unprecedented drought this year, has customised its wildlife ambulance to a fire tender to tackle the water crisis in the sanctuary.

The Ambulance has been cutomized by installing two water Tanks each with the storage capacity of 5000 Litres and 2 diesel Pump sets.

Wayanad Sanctuary is in Kerala.

This is the First of its Kind Experiment in India.

3)Utsaha to make travelling through Kempegowda International Airport a memorable experience:-

Background: KIA (Kempegowda International Airport) won the Skytrax Award but then also some customers complained that the behaviour of the stafff was not good or up to the mark.

So now Bangalore International Airport Ltd. (BIAL) claims to have initiated a programme to improve customer experience. 

Now over 7000 Staff Workers of the Airport are undergoing a soft-skill training module known as Utsaha, that means ‘enthusiasm’ in English.

This has been initiated to make the customer satisfied with the service.

4)Karnataka gets most supportive govt. award:- The award was given by WEConnect International, an organisation working to identify, educate, register and certify women’s business enterprises based outside the U.S.

5)On April 10, the Bihar government will launch year-long celebrations to mark the centenary(100 Years) of Mahatma Gandhi’s Champaran satyagraha.

Champaran was Launched in 1917. It was Mahatma Gandhi's First Civil Disobedience in India.

The Struggle in Champaran was against the Tinkathiya System in which Indigo Plantation was Forced upon.

6)IISc researchers’ ecofriendly way of recycling e-waste:- Indian Institute of Science (IISc) researchers have found a novel way to recycle the mounting pile of electronic waste more efficiently and in an environmentally friendly manner.

What is the Technique:- The new approach is based on the idea of crushing e-waste into nanosize particles using a ball mill at very low temperature ranging from -50 to -150 degree C.

The use of low-temperature grinding eliminates noxious emission.

7)Why do we need to wear special glasses to view 3D movies? :-

Answer :- In 3D movies, two images are projected simulta neously on the screen.
One image is horizontally polarised and the other is vertically polarised. 
That is why, without 3D glasses, the image is blurred.

The 3D spectacles that we use essentially have two types of polaroid glasses, horizontally polarised for, say, the right eye and vertically polarised for the left eye.

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