THE EXAMS MADE SIMPLE: 28th April 2017 The Hindu and PIB Daily Current Affairs

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28th April 2017 The Hindu and PIB Daily Current Affairs

1)SC Gave its very important Lokpal Judgement :-

I will give you in detail background of the issue, so for that we have to go back to Lokpal and Lokayukta Act of 2013 whch says:-

What is Lokpal :-The institution of Lokpal is a statutory body without any constitutional backing. 
Lokpal is a multimember body, made up of one chairperson and maximum of 8 members.

Now the Chairperson and the Members are to be appointed by President after receiving the recommendations from a selection committee which should comprise of :-

(a) the Prime Minister—Chairperson;

(b) the Speaker of the House of the People—Member;

(c) the Leader of Opposition in the House of the People—Member

(d) the Chief Justice of India or a Judge of the Supreme Court nominated by

 (e) one eminent jurist, as recommended by the Chairperson and Members
referred to in clauses (a) to (d) above, to be nominated by the President—Member

Now even after 3 years of Passing of this great Act Lokpal could not have been appointed.

Why Lokpal was Not Appointed even after 3 years :- Current NDA Govt. came in Power in 2014 with complete majority.  In Opposition in Lok Sabha Congress got only 44 Seats , which is less than the required 10% of 545 Seats (i.e 55 Seats) to become the Leader of Opposition.

So effectively that means that there is no Leader of Opposition in the 16th Lok Sabha.

This was given as excuse by the ruling party ,why Lokpal was not Appointed. The Current Govt. was saying that First we need to amend the 2013 Act and Remove the Leader of Opposition with Leader of the Single Largest Party in order to appoint Lokpal.

Now What Has happened yesterday :- The Supreme Court on Thursday found the Lokpal and Lokayukta Act of 2013 an “eminently workable piece of legislation”, which provides for the appointment of Lokpal Chairperson and Members even in the absence of a recognised Leader of Opposition (LoP).

So Now Govt. has to Appoint a Lokpal with the current Act only. No need of amendment is there, even with the current form of Act Lokpal can be appointed

2)PM launches low-cost regional lights :-
Background :- UDAN (Ude Desh Ka Aam Nagrik) Scheme which is a Regional connectivity scheme.

The Prime Minister inaugurated the first UDAN flight on the Shimla-Delhi route and simultaneously flagged off flights on the Kadapa-Hyderabad and Nanded-Hyderabad sectors through a video conference from Shimla.

3)Judicial performance index proposed :- The NITI Aayog has proposed the introduction of a judicial performance index to reduce delays and the outsourcing of non-core functions of the police to private agencies or other government departments, in a bid to fix justice system that is in ‘dire need of reform.

The creation of a judicial performance index that could help High Courts and their chief justices keep track of the performance and processes at district courts and subordinate levels for reducing delay, should be ‘the first step’ in judicial system reforms.

4)India’s population story :- Very Good and Must Read Article in The Hindu 

As per this Even after fertility rates drop to replacement levels, the total population will still grow.

Evidence from India’s last Census in 2011, confirmed by data from the recent National Family Health Survey 2017 (NFHS-4), shows that fertility in India is fast approaching replacement levels.

What is Replacement Fertility level:- the average number of children born per woman—at which a population exactly replaces itself from one generation to the next, without migration.

At Present Replacement Fertility Rate  is 2.1 for most of the countries.

For India the Current Fertility rate has come down from 2.7 to 2.2 that means approximately close to the Replacement Fertility level.

So Now why will the Population Grow :- Even after fertility rates drop to replacement levels, the total population will still grow, and is likely to reach 1.7 billion by 2050.

The thrust of this growth will come from the youth bulge, with 365 million (10-24 years old) already in, or soon to enter, their reproductive ages. Even if they have children only in numbers that replace themselves, the resultant growth due to such a large base of young people will drive the growth momentum for population.

One Interesting Trend was also Found:- When States are clustered in terms of fertility levels, one foresees a predominantly youthful north and an ageing south.

Most of the current and future demographic potential is locked in the northern States and largely located in Bihar, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Odisha, Rajasthan, and Uttar Pradesh. 

In the south, there will be a dearth of young working people to keep up and expand the level of economic development.

5)Bhutan out of vehicle pact : Bhutan on Thursday said it is not ready for India's Proposal of Motor Vehicle agreement. It was BBIN Project.

BBIN earlier had Bangladesh Bhutan India and Nepal.

BBIN was meant for seamless movement of goods and passenger across borders to develop a Growth Quarangle.

Now Why Bhutan Kept itself out :- Bhutanese legislators are worried the BBIN plan may cause environmental trouble for their country. Since no restriction on movements of vehicles would have been there.

6)Direct tax base to soar in 3 years:- NITI aayog has predicted that the Direct Tax collections will increase because of Demonetization.

Demonetisation, it noted, had led to a significant increase in bank deposits which is likely to result in disclosure of “a significant amount of income that would not have been done otherwise.

7)‘Revival of fertilizer plants can make India an exporter’ :- The Centre’s revival of four fertilizer plants at a total cost of ₹50,000 crore has the potential to turn India into a fertilizer exporting country from an importing one, Chemicals and Fertilizer Minister Ananth Kumar said.

“When all these plants (at Barauni, Sindri, Gorakhpur, and Talcher) start, they will add about 75 lakh metric tonnes to the output, taking the total capacity to about 320 lakh metric tonnes.

8)Vinegar to the rescue of Great Barrier Reef? :- Common household vinegar may help protect Australia’s iconic Great Barrier Reef by effectively and quickly killing the coral-munching crown-of-thorns starfish, scientists said.

Great Berrier Reef are in Australia : Queensland, Australia.

CoTS(crown-of-thorns starfish) are breeding at epidemic levels and are one of the primary reasons for the decline in live coral.

Questions For Today :-

1)What is India Innovation Index?
2)What is Project Arrow?

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