THE EXAMS MADE SIMPLE: 27th April 2017 The Hindu and PIB Daily Current Affairs


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27th April 2017 The Hindu and PIB Daily Current Affairs

1)Aadhaar-PAN linkage meant to plug tax leaks, says SC :-Sc was hearing the Petition Challenging Section 139AA of the Income Tax Act of 1961.
SC said that we have a natural tendency to evade taxes and when people will do so, Legistlature will come out with New Laws to stop the leakage.

What is Section 139 AA of IT Act of 1961 that was in News:-
Section 139AA makes it mandatory for individuals to quote their Aadhaar number when applying for a Permanent Account Number (PAN) as well as to file income tax returns. 

Section 139AA(2) stipulates that failure to intimate the Aadhaar number would automatically invalidate one’s existing PAN.

2)A shrinking home for endemic birds:- Birds endemic to the biodiverse Western Ghats appear to be in greater danger than they were thought to be, because the range of places they live in may have been overestimated.

What are the Problems Associated with Overestimation:-

Because of Overestimation incorrect Categorization of the Bird have been done.

An example is the Malabar grey hornbill which IUCN classifies as ‘Least Concern’  But when researchers used a spatial modelling technique, they found the area is  nearly 81% less than the IUCN estimates. This would put the bird in the ‘Near Threatened’ category.

Again, the Nilgiri pipit appears to have lost 88% of its habitat, making it “endangered” rather than “vulnerable.”

IUCN Categorization

3)High Court spells out steps to stop pollution in Dal Lake:- 

Reasons of Pollution of Dal Lake:= 

i)Environmental degradation,
ii)pollution caused due to letting out of discharge by residential buildings,
iii)Growth of weeds and discharge of toxic effluents have caused serious damage to the world-famous water body

Some Suggestions by the High Court :- 

i)Re-structuring and refurnishing of existing STPs.
ii)To rope in non-governmental and other organisations “for technical experience” and
iii)To install CCTV cameras “to strengthen” the Lake and Waterways Department Authority's Enforcement Wing.
iv)The court also stressed the need to seek guidance of the World Wildlife Fund, which has created a network called the India Water Stewardship Network.
v)The court held that school and college students can be asked to take part in community service programmes, focusing specifically on clean environment in and around the lake.

4)Decade-long journey of Bengal’s prisoners of music:- In Bengal a group of Prisoners have now been Performing Music shows for nearly 1 decade.

Name of the Group is Muktaberi.

5)China boosts naval power with new aircraft carrier:-

It is the 2nd Aircraft Carrier.

The new carrier, which is likely to be christened Shandong, will supplement the Liaoning — China’s first aircraft carrier that was purchased from Ukraine and commissioned in 2012.

This is Type 001-A Type Aircraft Carrier.

One More Point was there in the News Article About THAAD:

What is THAAD :-> Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD), formerly Theater High Altitude Area Defense, is a United States Army anti-ballistic missile system which is designed to shoot down short, medium, and intermediate range ballistic missiles in their terminal phase using a hit-to-kill approach.

USA is providing this to South korea.

6)‘Religious freedom deteriorating in India’ :- The annual report of the U.S Commission on International Religious Freedom released on Wednesday said that religious tolerance and religious freedom continued to deteriorate in India in 2016.

The report also blames police and judicial bias and inadequacies that “have created a pervasive climate of impunity in which religious minorities feel increasingly insecure and have no recourse when religiously motivated crimes occur”.

So these are soe Serious allegations and Points and Indian Govt. should try every bit to make sure that these Fears are not there in the mind and Heart of any minorty. We all are Humans ultimately and it is our ultimate duty to love and respect the dignity of every fellow Human Being.

7)Niti Aayog in its 3 year Action document has suggested to Reorient social sector

Why Reorientation is needed:- So that beneficiaries don’t become dependent on them.

In its three-year action plan for the economy the government think-tank mooted a reduction in food subsidies as a proportion of GDP by 2019-20 through better targeting and rationalisation measures.

Instead of Subsidies Expenditure on Education and Health is more Productive.

The Food Subsidy will decrease in terms of Percentage of GDP but in absolute value term it will increase.

8)India is a land of opportunity for sustainable development, says UNGC chief :-

As Per UNGC :- ‘Sustainable sector is a $1 trillion opportunity’.
 India can create 72 million jobs especially in sectors such as food and agriculture, energy, construction, and healthcare.

What is UNGC:- The United Nations Global Compact is a United Nations initiative to encourage businesses worldwide to adopt sustainable and socially responsible policies, and to report on their implementation.

The UN Global Compact is a principle-based framework for businesses, stating ten principles in the areas of human rights, labour, the environment and anti-corruption.

The UN Global Compact is the world's largest corporate sustainability initiative.

Formation:- 26 July 2000
Type:- Framework and Mechanism

9)A data glove for the speech-disabled:- A data glove, which measures the individual joint angles of all the five fingers to understand the activity of daily living, developed by Nayan Bhatt, Research Scholar from the Department of Applied Mechanics, IIT Madras, recently won the Budding Innovators Award given by the Delhi-based National Research Development Corporation (NRDC).

Some Terms From the Article :-

i)Kinematics:- It is the branch of mechanics concerned with the motion of objects without reference to the forces which cause the motion.

How will it help Speech Disabled:- “By using specific movements of a finger for specific words, the data glove can help speechdisabled people to communicate.

We can use a speech synthesiser and speaker to generate sound.” Work has to be done to first map specific words to specific movements of the finger.

It can also help in Parkinson's Disease. It can tell about the severity of the disease by hand kinematics.

10)NASA’s Super balloon collects data in near space:-

The balloon, which was designed by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) in order to detect ultra-high energy cosmic particles from beyond the galaxy as they penetrate the earth’s atmosphere. There have been many previous failed attempts.

Questions For Today :-

1)Janani Suraksha Yojana?

2)Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan ?

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