THE EXAMS MADE SIMPLE: 1st April 2017 The Hindu and PIB Daily Current Affairs and News

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1st April 2017 The Hindu and PIB Daily Current Affairs and News

1)Gujarat to tighten cow slaughter law:-

What has happened?:- The Gujarat Animal Preservation (Amendment) Bill, has been passed by the Assembly.

Stringent Provisions of the Amendment Bill:-

  • The most stringent provision in the amendment Bill is awarding maximum imprisonment up to life, but not less than 10 years, to those found involved in slaughter of cows, calves, bulls and bullocks.

  • The Bill also bans transportation of animals from one place to another at night while providing for permanent forfeiture of vehicles.

  • It has also proposed a fine which “may extend to five lakh rupees but shall not be less than one lakh rupees” for those found guilty of cow slaughter.

2)Supreme Court said: Liquor sales ban covers hotels too:-

Supreme Court has just made clear its earlier judgement for having Liquor Free National and State Highways.

What has the S.C Said?:- Supreme Court clarified that its prohibition on the sale of liquor within a distance of 500 metres from the outer edge of these main thoroughfares is not restricted to liquor shops alone but also includes other larger establishments.

The court said exempting establishments other than “shops involved in sale of liquor”, which includes bar-attached hotels, wine and beer parlours, would amount to dilution of the objective of its judgment.

Some Extra Information:- Article 47 in The Constitution Of India says:- It is the Duty of the State to raise the level of nutrition and the standard of living and to improve public health The State shall regard the raising of the level of nutrition and the standard of living of its people and the improvement of public health as among its primary duties.

Particularly The State shall endeavour to bring about prohibition of the consumption except for medicinal purposes of intoxicating drinks and of drugs which are injurious to health

3)Can’t ban MPs fromother professions: SC  :-

Background:- A petition filed by advocate Ashwini Upadhyay that People in Other Profession become MP's and then they try to influence the Govt. decisions so as to give benefits to their own business. 

He Said beedi or liquor barons eventually become MPs and sit on committees to influence the destiny of their businesses.

This is a Serious case of Conflict of Interest.

What did Supreme Court Said :- Supreme Court said it is the work of the legistlature to frame laws on the eligibility to become MP's. S.C can not make law on this.

"There are doctors who became IAS officials and engineers who are diplomats" so there is no merit in banning Legistlators(MP's) from practicisng other Profession, The Chief Justice Said.

4)Notify HIV-hit children as disadvantaged group: SC :- Supreme Court ordered State governments to consider issuing a notification under the Right to Education law, declaring children living with/affected by HIV as a ‘disadvantaged group’ deserving additional rights to help them gain free and compulsory education, a fundamental right under the Constitution.

A disadvantaged can be a group based on reasons ranging from caste, social, cultural, linguistic, geographical, gender, etc.

Why this Notification has been made mandatory by the Supreme Court ?:- HIV-hit children face denial of admission, outright expulsion, segregation etc.

So if they become disadvantaged group under RTE Act then it will be compulsory for the state to provide basic education to these children between 6-14 years.

5)Bank of England to use palm oil for £20 note? :-

Why:- Earlier the £20 Notes by Bank of England were made by using Animal Fat , so there were serious criticims arising out because of this by many Vegetarians, Hindus and Sikhs.

SO Bank of England has decided to use Palm / Coconut oil to make new notes.

The new £20 note is due to be introduced by 2020.

6)SpaceX rocketmakes history:-SpaceX successfully launched and then retrieved its first recycled rocket, a historic feat and the biggest leap yet in its bid to drive down costs and speed up flights.

Name of the Rocket :- Falcon 9

About SpaceX:- It is an American aerospace manufacturer and space transport services company headquartered in Hawthorne, California. It was founded in 2002 by entrepreneur Elon Musk

7)‘Smart India Hackathon 2017’ :-  ‘Smart India Hackathon 2017’ which has been launched in collaboration with i4c, MyGov, Persistent Systems, NASSCOM and Rambhau Mhalgi Pabodini.

It is one the biggest gathering of the Technical Students along with Ministries so as to find innovative Digital Solutions of the Real world Problems.

With more than 10,000 programmers participating, this would be largest Hackathon anywhere in the world.

Its Grand Finale will be held in Chandigarh on 1st and 2nd April.

It is a initiative of Government of India and AICTE(under the Ministry of Human Resource and Development).

8)Reserve Bank of India (RBI) to up a separate Enforcement Department; proposed to be opened on April 3, 2017.
EFD would serve as a centralized department to deal with banks only for enforcement action.

9)FDI in Defence Sector:-  As per the extant FDI policy, foreign investment up to 49% is permitted under the automatic route, foreign investment beyond 49% and upto 100% is permitted through Government approval.

Questions of the Day :

1)What are Lagrange Points?

2)Nobel Prizes of the Year 2016 For Medicine, Physics, Chemistry ?

3)What is Kafala System?

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