THE EXAMS MADE SIMPLE: 25th April 2017 The Hindu and PIB Daily Current Affairs


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25th April 2017 The Hindu and PIB Daily Current Affairs

1)100m at 101: Miracle mom from Chandigarh bags another gold := Man Kaur aka Miracle  From Chandigarh won the 100 metres sprint at the World Masters Games in Auckland.

2)Goldman Prize for Prafulla Samantara who led a 12-year battle to stall Vedanta’s bauxite mining.

He is one of the Six Winners of Goldman Environmental Prize for 2017.

Background of His Work:- He is one of the Most important leaders who led a legal protest against Vedanta.
Vedanta was going for the Mining in the Niyamgiri Hills region but that woud have very badly affected the environment and also the indigenous tribes(Dongariya Khonds) living there.

The company was later forced to suspend plans to mine bauxite in the region.

Goldman Environmental Foundation honours grassroots environmentalists, who risk their lives to protect the environment and empower those who have the most to lose from industrial projects.

Dongariya Khonds were the majority inhabitants near the Niyamgiri region.

3)‘Draft Rules Regarding Working Conditions For Child Artists and Children Assisting in Family business’ released:-

Labour Ministry has came our with certain draft rules to regulate and fix the working conditions of Child Artists and children Assisting in family business.

i)A child artiste will not be allowed to work for more than five hours a day,

ii)A child “assisting” in a family business can work for only three hours a day, according to the proposed amendments to the Child Labour Rules, 1986.

4)Laffer Curve:- The Laffer curve shows how tax revenues change when the tax rate is either increased or decreased.
Typically, it has an inverted-U shape. The Laffer curve, popularised in 1974 by economist Arthur Laffer.
It gives the Optimum rate of Tax which maximizes the Tax Revenue.

Graph of Laffer Curve

5)Worms versus plastic :- Some Wax Worms which is the Larvae of Wax Moth can degrade Polyethylene at very fast rate. Wax worms live as parasites in bee colonies.

They can very well help in solving the Global Plastic Bag pollution.

6)SC suggested for broad anti-torture legislation:-
SC has said that Legistlature must pass a law which defines Torture as an instrument of Human Degradation by the authorities.

SC also Says India being denied extraditions because countries fear the accused would be treated inhumanely.

India has not been very Enthusiastic in Tackling the Torture, Some Evidences:-

i)India, which had signed the UN Convention against torture way back in 1997, had still not ratified it. The Convention defines torture as a criminal offence.

ii)No steps had been taken to implement the Prevention of Torture Bill 2010 even six years after it was passed by the Lok Sabha on May 6,2010.

So in order to repair our International Reputation in case of Torture Cases and also for Protecting Article 21 of Indian Constitution, Indian Law makers should come out with a broad Anti-Torture Law.

7)Centre's IDEAS Scheme(Innovations for Development of Efficient and Affordable Systems):- The Centre is set to launch a scheme (IDEAS SCHEME) for students from higher educational institutions to volunteer to offer innovative, original and practical solutions to problems facing the country and get rewarded for their efforts.

The Human Resource Development Ministry has identified a handful of areas pertaining to which the problem-solving skills of students will be tested.

All higher educational institutions will be eligible and encouraged to participate, but participation of IITs, NITs and CFTIs will be mandatory.

8)K. Viswanath wins Dadasaheb Phalke award for the year 2016 for his outstanding contribution to the film industry.

It the highest recognition in Indian cinema, which consists of a golden lotus, a cash prize of ₹10 lakh and a shawl.

Questions For Today :-

i)What is PM Garib Kalyan Yojana ?

ii)2 Sites of India which are in Montreaux Records of Wetlands?

iii)What is the importance of S.R.Bommai Vs Union of India Case 1994?

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