THE EXAMS MADE SIMPLE: 09th April 2017 The Hindu and PIB Daily Current Affairs

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09th April 2017 The Hindu and PIB Daily Current Affairs

1)Vulnerable tribes: lost in a classification trap:- A recent Anthropological Survey of India (AnSI) publication has brought to the fore startling revelations about the Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups (PVTGs) in the country including the fact that no base line surveys have been conducted among more than half of such groups.

Total There are 75 PVTG's or Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups.

Baseline Survey's are available for only 40.

Base line surveys :-Aare done to precisely identify the PVTG families, their habitat and socio-economic status, so that development initiatives are implemented for these communities, based on the facts and figures.

The publication emphasises State governments must urgently conduct such surveys to arrive at accurate demographic and socio-economic figures of the PVTGs.

Among the 75 listed PVTG’s the highest number are found in Odisha (13).

One More Problem is that Some of the PVTG's are in more than one state thus there is overlap.
So Effectively the number of PVTG's come about 63.

The Report asked the state Govt.'s to do away with these overlaps and come up with the exact number of PVTG's.

One Example is Birhor is PVTG in 4 states. (MP , Bihar , Odisha , West Bengal).

Watch Our Tutorial on Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups in Youtube Here

2)An elephantine census after 5 years:- The Counting and Estimating Exercise for Elephants will begin at an all India Level.

How this Census is different from the earlier census:- This time the census will start on the same date in both the Northern and Southern states. So even the Migrating animals will be counted.

The exercise involves estimating the elephant numbers through various methods — including direct sample block counts and indirect or line transect dung counts — and the data is used to arrive at a reliable estimate of the actual population range.

PROJECT ELEPHANT :- Project Elephant (PE) was launched by the Government of India in the year 1992 as a Centrally Sponsored Scheme. It is implemented only in 16 states.

Read Everything About Project Elephant Here

3)A New Campaign to Sensitize People about gender-based violence:- Centre for Health and Social Justice (CHSJ) has started a campaign ‘Ek Saath’ to sensitise people about gender equality and genderbased violence.

This is taking place in New Dehi Metro Stations.

The CHSJ(Centre for Health and Social Justice) will also be releasing a book called ‘Mann Ek Darpan’, which will comprise four plays dealing with gender-based violence, masculinity and the importance of reproductive health.

4)Labour participation rate of women in India visibly low, says World Bank study:- Despite high growth rate during the economic reform period, five economists of the World Bank have found that women’s ability to access job opportunities in the new economy has been “precarious.” (Precarius Means: Not Secure )

India has a low Female Labour Force Participation infact lowest in South Asia(India:27%, China:63.9%,56.3% in US and 79.9% in Nepal)  with the exception of Pakistan(24.6%).

Globally only some Arab World Countries(havinng FLFP 23.3%)  have FLFP lower than India.

All these things are Mentioned in the International Labour Organisations Report.

One Important Point Mentioned in the Report:- Rise in educational enrolment & socio-economic status contributed to the drop.

Why FLFP Drops because of Education :- with the recent expansion of secondary education, as well as rapidly changing social norms in India, more working age young females (15-24 years) are opting to continue their education rather than join the labour force early. 
Thus these Females Choose Education Over Work.

5)Modi and Hasina Flag of ‘friendship’ express between India and Bangladesh:-

five-coach diesel hauled Khulna-Kolkata train chugged in to the Petrapole railway station on the India-Bangladesh border.

The day also saw the inaugural trial run of the Kolkata-Khulna-Dhaka bus service.

Khulna is a district in Bangladesh.

6)About Teesta River:- Originates in the Himalayas and flows through Sikkim and West Bengal to merge with the Brahmaputra in Assam and ( Jamuna in Bangladesh). (Jamuna is the name of Brahmaputra in Bangladesh).

Left Bank Tributaries:-Dik Chhu, Rangpo River, Lang Lang Chu, Lachung River, Rani Khola
Right BankcTributaries:-Ranghap Chhu, Rangeet, Ringyong Chhu

Teesta River has changed its course many a times in the Geological History.

7)IISc designs a novel graphene electrical conductor:-

Important Points about this Conductor:-In This Graphene Conductor. Single layer or Multiple Layers of Graphene can be used.
This will Conduct the Current along one particular edge:- known as The ZigZag Edge.

The zigzag edge of graphene layer has a unique property: It allows flow of charge without any resistance at room temperature and above.


Names of the 16 Mahajanapadas?

Tributaries of Ken and Betwa River?

Tributaries of Kaveri River?

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