THE EXAMS MADE SIMPLE: Shola Forests of Nilgiri


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Shola Forests of Nilgiri

'Sholas’ is a word derived from Tamil word sholai meaning tropical rain forest. They are  patches of evergreen tropical and subtropical moist broadleaf forests amid grasslands found in Southern India, particularly Nilgiris, Palani Hills an Annamalai Hills.

The Western Ghats and associated ranges in the states of Karnataka, Kerala and Tamil Nadu.

The main varieties of Trees in this type of forest are:-
  • Zenker
  • bishop wood
  • Indian mahogany
  • gular fig tree etc.

A Question on this has already been asked in the UPSC Civil Services Exam:-

Consider the following statements about the Shola Forests:

1. Shola Forests are typically found in Eastern Himalayas  

2. Shola Forests are mainly moist broadleaf forests

3. Indian mahogany and Gular trees are commonly found in Shola Forests

Which among the above is / are correct statements?
Answer: [B] Only 2 & 3

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