THE EXAMS MADE SIMPLE: 3rd and 4th March 2017 : The Hindu and PIB Daily News and Current Affairs


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3rd and 4th March 2017 : The Hindu and PIB Daily News and Current Affairs

3rd and 4th March 2017

1)For the first time in 16 years, Odisha has achieved highest decline in Infant Mortality Rate (IMR). This decline is far better than the national average. According to the fourth round of the National Family Health Survey (NFHS), Odisha’s IMR has come down by 29% between 2005 and 2015 which is highest trend in the country. It was 96 per 1000 births in 2000 has been reduced to 40 in 2015-16.

2)The National Green Tribunal (NGT) has prohibited all camping activity on beaches which fall within 100 meters along the River Ganga from Shivpuri to Rishikesh in Uttarakhand. The 50 km stretch of River Ganga between Shivpuri to Rishikesh is a hub of eco-tourism and river rafting

3)West Bengal Government has given official language status to endangered tribal language Kurukh, mother tongue belonging to the Dravidian family.

In West Bengal, it is spoken by Oraon tribal community who live in Dooars (alluvial floodplains in northeastern India that lie south of outer foothills of Himalayas and north of Brahmaputra River basin).

4)Wildlife Crime Control Bureau (WCCB) has successfully coordinated Operation Thunder Bird from January 30 to February 19, 2017 in its fight to end poaching of India’s wildlife animals. It also had convened Operation Save Kurma, a species specific operation on turtles between 15 December 2016 and 30 January 2017.

5)The World Wildlife Day is observed on 3rd March every year to celebrate and raise awareness about the world’s wild fauna and flora.

6)The Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO) formally handed over an indigenously developed Weapon Locating Radar (WLR) system dubbed as ‘SWATHI’ to Indian Army.

Developed by DRDO’s Electronics & Radar Development Establishment (LRDE). It has a range of 50 km which brings all artillery guns presently in service worldwide under its coverage. Performs two roles i.e. Weapon Location Mode for enemy Artillery and Direction of Own artillery Fire (DOOAF) Mode for Artillery.

7) Humboldt Penguins are Found in SOuth America : in Chile and Peru.


I) Where do we Find : 1) Jarawa Tribe?

2) Toda Tribe ?

3) Bushman Tribes ?

II) Where is India's Only Active Volcano?


  1. jarawa ta andman and toda at nilgiri and bushmman in southern afrika regn and last one is barren island in andman and nicobar
