THE EXAMS MADE SIMPLE: 28th March 2017 The Hindu and PIB Daily Current Affairs


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28th March 2017 The Hindu and PIB Daily Current Affairs

1)SC counters push for Aadhaar:- 

What the Supreme Court has said?:- Honourable Supreme Court Said that obtaining the 12 Digit UID Number and using it to avail the Government Subsidy should have been a voluntary exercise.

Why has the Court Said So ?:- Because of the Series of Recent decisions by the Central Govt. of Making AADHAR Mandatory to access welfare schemes like MGNREGA, Employee Pension Scheme.

In short, the court had made it clear that the government was not free to discriminate between a person who has the Aadhaar card and one who does not.

But The Court Also Said that There is no Problem in making Aadhar Mandatory for Non-Welfare Scheme like  Income Tax Returns, or Applying for a mobile connection, or Opening Bank Account.

2)Suicide no more a crime:- The Mental Healthcare Bill, which decriminalises suicide and guarantees the right to better healthcare for people with mental illness, was unanimously passed in the Lok Sabha on Monday. The Bill mandates that a person who is attempting suicide shall be presumed to be suffering from “severe stress” and, therefore, shall not be tried or punished by law.

3)Floating wheelchair opens Goa’s beaches to all:-  Access to Goa’s fabled beaches will no longer be a dream for the differentlyabled. A floating wheelchair promises to allow them to enter the water and move around on the sand. The wheelchairs, imported by UMOJA, an online travel platform for people with disabilities, will be used for the first time in India at Goa’s beach access festival, scheduled to begin later this week.

4)‘Emerging Artist’ award for Odia artist :- Odisha-based installation artist Sitaram Swain has been chosen as the Glenfiddich’s Emerging Artist of the Year 2017.

5)Navy bids farewell to long range maritime patrol aircraft:- TU-142M long range maritime patrol aircraft will be de-inducted on Wednesday at INS Rajali naval air station.

6)Naidu launches Online Film Certiication System:-
This has been done for Easing up the Process of Getting Certification. Complete Automation of CBFC will promote Good Governance in this sector.

Under the new system, 

  • for short films, promos or trailers of less than 10 minutes, the producer can submit their creations online. For films longer than 10 minutes, the applicant will have to show the film at the examining theatre, but will not be required to visit CBFC offices, except for collecting certificates.

  • The applicants will be informed through text message or e-mail about the status of their applications and any action needed. It will also eliminate any possibility of corruption. 

  • The implementation of QR code on the certificates will eliminate chances of fraudulent certificates.
7)Ratification of Kyoto Protocol :-“The Government of India has decided to ratify the Second Commitment Period (2013- 2020) of the Kyoto Protocol

Developing countries like India have no mandatory mitigation obligations or targets under the Kyoto Protocol. 

The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) under the Kyoto Protocol enables developed countries to invest in “Clean” projects in developing countries to gain emissions credits (Certified Emission Reduction-CER).

The Kyoto Protocol is an international treaty which extends the 1992 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) that commits State Parties to reduce greenhouse gas emissions

The Kyoto Protocol was adopted in Kyoto, Japan, on 11 December 1997 and entered into force on 16 February 2005

There are currently 192 parties (Canada withdrew effective December 2012) to the Protocol.


1) What is DMH-11?

2)Kigali Agreement ??
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