THE EXAMS MADE SIMPLE: 24th March 2017 The Hindu and PIB Daily Current Affairs


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24th March 2017 The Hindu and PIB Daily Current Affairs

24th March 2017

1) World TuberCulosis Day : World Tuberculosis Day is being observed on 24th March, 2017 to commemorate the day in 1882 when Dr. Robert Koch discovered the TB bacillus.

2)First Battalion of the Ninth Gorkhas was raised by the British in 1817 as the ‘Fatehgarh Levy’ and it celebrated 200 years of its raising on the 16th of March 2017 at Secunderabad.
***(Importnt For CAPF Examination)

3)Centralised Digital Online Platform VAHAN and SARATHI to Curb Corruption :

The Ministry of Road Transport and Highways has introduced online based citizen centric application VAHAN 4.0 and SARATHI 4.0 under digitization to ease out the processes and curb corruption. 85 Road Transport offices under VAHAN4.0 and 235 Road Transport offices under SARATHI 4.0 have been brought to the centralised platform.

4)‘Rashtriya Vayoshri Yojana’ to be launched on 1st April, 2017 in Nellore, Andhra Pradesh : “Rashtriya Vayoshri Yojana”, a ‘Scheme for providing Physical Aids and Assisted-living Devices for Senior citizens belonging to BPL category’ will be launched in District Nellore, Andhra Pradesh on 1st April, 2017.

Scheme will be implemented through the sole implementing agency, ‘Artificial Limbs Manufacturing Corporation (ALIMCO)’, (a PSU under M/o SJ&E), which will undertake one year free maintenance of the aids & assisted living devices.

5)Ancient knowledge hub faces grim future:- 

We are Talking about : Traditional Knowledge Database Library (TKDL), an organisation of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research(CSIR). This TKDL was actively Fighting against Biopiracy and Intellectual Property infringment by Indian and Foreign Companies in Traditional knowledge area.

Some Other information about TKDL: TKDL is an online repository of about 300,000 formulations from Ayurveda, Siddha and Unani systems. Over two decades, the body translated, scanned and digitised texts from their Sanskrit, Arabic and Urdu originals.

What has Happened now : There has been no budgetary Provision for TKDL, its Funds are drying up and Most of the employees have been removed. The Future of the Organisation is not very clear.

6)India wants to hasten talks on proposed global services pact:- 

What is Global Services Pact:- Just like the Trade Facilitation Agreement in Goods, which was basically reladed to Trade in Goods. This Pact is pitching for Trade Facilitation in Services.
Global Services Pact also aims to ease norms for movement of skilled workers across borders For Short Term Work.

Background:- India had, in February, submitted to the World Trade Organisation (WTO) a legally-vetted proposal for a Trade Facilitation in Services (TFS) Agreement.

The proposed TFS, among other things, aims to ensure portability of social security contributions and cross-border insurance coverage to boost medical tourism. According to India, the proposed pact is similar to the WTO’s Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA) in Goods.

7)India to Back UNHRC Resolution on Sri Lanka For a Second Time:- India will once again support a UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) resolution that gives Sri Lanka another two years to address war crimes that were committed during the country’s decade-long civil war.

What is Sri Lankan Civil War?:- The Sri Lankan Civil War was an armed conflict fought on the island of Sri Lanka. Beginning on 23 July 1983, there was an intermittent insurgency against the government by the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (the LTTE, also known as the Tamil Tigers), which fought to create an independent Tamil state called Tamil Eelam in the north and the east of the island.

After a 26-year military campaign, the Sri Lankan military defeated the Tamil Tigers in May 2009, bringing the civil war to an end.

There were many Ruthless Killings, Rapes, Loots, Torture on the Part of Sri Lankan Govt. against the Sri Lankan Tamils. These were Called the War Crimes.

Questions For Today :

1) Where is the Secretariat of Internationl Solar Alliance?

2) What is the difference between UNHRC and UNHCR ?


  1. HCr is a completely distinct entity from the Council, it supports the Council’s work, as well as that of the treaty-monitoring bodies which review states’ compliance with the international human rights treaties they have signed on to.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UN Refugee Agency) is a United Nations programme mandated to protect and support refugees.
