THE EXAMS MADE SIMPLE: 22nd March 2017 The Hindu and PIB Daily Current Affairs


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22nd March 2017 The Hindu and PIB Daily Current Affairs

22nd March 2017 


  • 22nd March:- is World Water Day.
  • 22nd April : World Earth Day
  • 22nd May is World Biodiversity Day
  • World Environment Day is on 5th June (It is run by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP))

2)HIV patients unhappy with Bill:- Rajya Sabha Passed the HIV AIDS (Prevention and Control)Bill 2014

What was the Bill-  The Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) (Prevention and Control) Bill, 2014

IS HIV Community Happy with the Bill ?:- No

Why HIV COMMUNITY is not Happy :- Because of Section 14(1) of the Bill.

What does the Section Say: The section says: "The measures to be taken by the Central or State Governments  shall include measures for providing as far as possible, anti-retroviral therapy and opportunistic management to people living with HIV or AIDS."

So the main Contention for the HIV Community is this word "as Far as Possible",
It makes the Bill Weak. It gives the Centre ad State an escaping route from their responsibility of Providing Anti Retroviral THerapy to everyone.

3)India slips in human development index:- India slipped down one place from 130 to 131 among the 188 countries ranked in terms of human development, says the 2016 Human Development Report (HDR) released by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).

India’s human development index (HDI) value of 0.624 puts it in the “medium human development” category, alongside countries such as Congo, Namibia and Pakistan.

Performance of India among SAARC Countries:- It is ranked third among the SAARC countries, behind Sri Lanka (73) and the Maldives (105), both of which figure in the “high human development” category.

The world’s top three countries in HDI are Norway (0.949), Australia (0.939) and Switzerland (0.939).

Read Major Findings of Human Development Report Here

Read About Human Development Index Calculation Here

4)Debate about the Sahayak System in Army is goint on, govt. has Justified the Sahayak System.

What has been said:-  In the Indian Army, a Sahayak has clearly defined military duties and forms an integral part of the organization structure of a unit and has specific functions during war and peace.

A Sahayak, in addition to his normal soldier’s tasks, provides essential support to officers / JCOs both in peace and war, which enables them to fully attend to their assigned duties.

The buddy also provides an alternate contact with the troops, whereby the officer is made aware of grass root issues, albeit through informal means.

IMPORTANT POINT TO NOTE:-***The Indian Navy and the Indian Air Force do not have the system of Sahayaks.

5)Centre eyes ways to open multibrand retail for FDI:- Though in Its manifesto BJP said no to FDI in any Politically Sensitive Sector.

Point to Remember : Still India has no FDI in MULTI BRAND RETAIL.

Multi-brand retail is a concept when a store or a portal or any other form of outlet sells more than one brand. Easy examples here in product categories similar to above could be Planet fashion ; Bata ; Jumbo electronics ; Car bazaar; Shoppers stop etc.

FDI or foreign direct investment in India is as of now allowed in single brand retail with restrictions. It is not permitted in multi brand retail.

6)One Important Point For Today's News: Liberhan Commission was Formed After the Babri Masjid Incident to investigate the destruction of the disputed structure.(In the Year 1992)
Just Remember the Name of the Commission.


What are the FDI Percentages that Govt. has allowed in Different Sectors like Defence , Banking etc??

Diseases under UIP?

What is 90:90:90 ? Against Which Disease is it aimed??

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