THE EXAMS MADE SIMPLE: 19th March 2017 The Hindu and PIB Daily Current Affairs


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19th March 2017 The Hindu and PIB Daily Current Affairs

                                                                 19th March 2017

1) India is relying very much on the Joint Exercises (Army, Navy, Air Force) with other Countries.

Some Latest Exercises are :

Kurukshetra exercise with Singapore. 
Al - Nagah Exercise with Oman
Suryakiran with Nepal

2)Dev Raj Sikka, former director of the Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Pune, who first proposed a link between the El Nino phenomenon and the Indian monsoon, died.
He was the First to link El Nino to monsoon.

3)India at 148th Rank in number of women MPs Ranking:-

Who Releases this Ranking :- 
The rankings of all 193 United Nations member countries were released by the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) and UN Women.

In India, women made up 11.8% of the Lok Sabha where 64 were elected to the 542-member house and 11% of the Rajya Sabha with 27 of the 245 members.

Soluntion : UN Body UN-Women has suggested for the Reservation in both the Houses of the Parliament.

Read All About UN-Women Here

4)Proposed Labour code to provide social security cover to all workers:-

Every Worker(Nearly 45 Crore) Whether in Organised or Unorganized Sector will be included.

For the first time, cover to agricultural workers is being provided along with self-employed people.

The proposed code seeks to cover “any factory, any mine, any plantation, any shop, charitable organisations” and all establishments or households employing casual, part-time, fixed-term, informal, apprentice, domestic and home-based workers. All such establishments or factories will be liable to pay compensation if they fail to contribute towards the social security schemes of the workers.

The total contribution to be made by employers towards Employees’ Provident Fund and Employees’ State Insurance Scheme is proposed to be capped at 30% of the workers’ income. At present, employers contribute 31.5% of the workers’ income towards these schemes.
(So this is a Good Move as it will increase the Net Disposable Income in the Workers Hand).

According to the proposed code, self-employed workers will contribute 20% of their monthly income towards provident fund, pension and other related schemes. Self-employed workers will also include “a person who takes land on share cropping or any other form of rent, and tills the same using his own or family members’ labour.”

One Proposed Body :---National Social Security Council:

A National Social Security Council, chaired by the Prime Minister, has been proposed to streamline and make policy on social security schemes related to all the Ministries.

Other members would include: Finance Minister, Labour Minister, Health and Family Welfare Minister along with employer and employees’ representatives.

Function of the Body :-It will co-ordinate between central and State governments, monitor the implementation of social security schemes, regulate funds collected under various social security schemes, among others.


1)What is El-Nino?

2)IMD Comes Under Which Ministry ?

3)Which of the Following are the Cold Ocean Currrents?

Options:-  1) Kuroshiyo     2) Oyashiyo
                 3)Humboldt       4)Benguela
                 5)West Australian  6)Canary Current 

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