THE EXAMS MADE SIMPLE: 15th March 2017 The Hindu and PIB Daily News and Current Affairs


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15th March 2017 The Hindu and PIB Daily News and Current Affairs

15th March 2017

1)Science Scholarships Will be  on AADHAR BASIS NOW:- A key set of scholarships that encourages middle school students to pursue careers in science, collegians to opt for basic science research and women to return to labs after a break in career, will soon require an Aadhar registration.

2)Religious organisations and rights groups have expressed concerns about a “disturbing” European Court of Justice ruling on Tuesday that enables European companies
to ban employees from wearing visible religious signs. The court ruled that employers can ban the wearing of visible political, philosophical or religious signs, so long as it was already included in company laws, and equally applied.
While the cases considered by the ECJ involve the headscarf, the ruling will also apply to other religious symbols such as Sikh turbans, Christian crucifixes, or Jewish Kippahs.

Why Contentious:- The ruling could be used as a “licence to discriminate at the point of hire”

3)‘14 million will lose coverage if Obamacare is repealed’: As Recently President Donald Trump Decided to repeal the OBAMA CARE.

What is Obamacare?

Obamacare is what we’ve apparently decided to call the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, a set of health insurance and industry reforms passed by Congress and signed by President Obama in March 2010.

Obamacare has significantly increased the number of people with health insurance coverage. It did that by overhauling the individual insurance market — where people buy their own policies — and expanding  Medicaid, a public program that covers low-income Americans.

What does Obamacare do?

Obamacare does two main things: expand access to health insurance and change the way the federal government pays doctors.

4)Marx’s hometown to accept China’s gift statue: Beijing offered to present the city of Trier(in Germany, The Birth Place of Karl Marx) with a bronze statue, ahead of his 200th birth anniversary on May 5.

Karl Marx was the Writer of The Communist Manifesto.

5)CPI inflation quickens to 3.65%, WPI-based figure hits 39-month high of 6.55%.

Reason : Food and fuel prices spur acceleration in inflation. Due to higher perishable food prices, a gradual narrowing of the output gap, higher minimum support
prices and the recent uptick in rural wages,

6) India VIX Index: It is the barometer to measure the volatility of the market. It is computed by NSE.

7)Shri Arun Jaitley took over additional charge as Defence Minister.

8)The Committee constituted under the Chairmanship of Shri Madhukar Gupta, has submitted its report to the Government to strengthen border protection and address vulnerabilities in fencing along the Indo-Pakistan border.

9)‘International Vision Zero Conference’ on Occupational, Safety and Health :The concept of ‘Vision Zero’ is fast gaining international acceptance and is expected to leverage the efforts of the Government of India to raise the occupational safety and health standards in the country so as to improve the occupational safety and health situation.

10)Inter-state River Water Disputes (Amendment) Bill, 2017 introduced in Lok Sabha :
Bill proposes a Single Standing Tribunal (with multiple benches) instead of existing multiple tribunals,
Composition: It shall consist of one Chairperson, one Vice-Chairperson and not more than six other Members.

Term:- While the term of office of the Chairperson is five year or till he attains the age of 70 years, whichever is earlier, the term of office of Vice Chairperson and other member of tribunal shall be co-terminus with the adjudication of the water dispute.

The Bill also proposes to introduce mechanism to resolve the dispute amicably by negotiations, through a Dispute Resolution Committee (DRC) to be established by the Central Government consisting of relevant experts, before such dispute is referred to the tribunal. The Bill also provides for transparent data collection system at the national level for each river basin and for this purpose, an agency to maintain data-bank and information system shall be appointed or authorized by Central Government.

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