THE EXAMS MADE SIMPLE: 11th March 2017 : The Hindu and PIB Daily Current Affairs and News

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11th March 2017 : The Hindu and PIB Daily Current Affairs and News

11th March 2017

1)India’s first lunar probe, Chandrayaan-1, which was considered lost, is still orbiting the moon, NASA scientists have found by using a new ground-based radar technique.

The ISRO lost communication with Chandrayaan-1 on August 29, 2009, almost a year after it was launched on October 22, 2008.

Now, scientists at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory ( JPL) in California have located the spacecraft still circling some 200 km above the lunar surface.

2)Four States come together for elephant census: In what will probably be the first such attempt, the States of Odisha, West Bengal, Chhattisgarh and Jharkhand have decided to conduct a synchronised elephant census between May 9 and 12. The four States together have the maximum number of human-elephant conflictprone regions in India.

3)Enemy Property Bill passed in Rajya Sabha : 

  • The amendments proposed include that once an enemy property is vested in the Custodian, it shall continue to be vested in him as enemy property irrespective of whether the enemy, enemy subject or enemy firm has ceased to be an enemy due to reasons such as death.

  • No transfer allowed:- The new Bill ensures that the law of succession does not apply to enemy property; that there cannot be transfer of any property vested in the Custodian by an enemy or enemy subject or enemy firm and that the Custodian shall preserve the enemy property till it is disposed of in accordance with the Act.
The amendments are aimed at plugging the loopholes in the Act to ensure that the enemy properties that have been vested in the Custodian remain so and do not revert to the enemy subject or firm. The Bill also prohibits civil courts and other authorities from entertaining disputes related to enemy property.

4)Pakistan Parliament passes landmark Hindu Marriage Bill:Pakistan’s Parliament has finally passed the much awaited landmark bill to regulate marriages of minority Hindus in the country.

The final text approved by both Houses includes the ‘Shadi Parath’ a document similar to ‘Nikahnama’ in Islam.
The ‘Shadi Parath’ will be required to be signed by a pandit and will be registered with the relevant government department.

5)A mass coral bleaching again: Australia’s Great Barrier Reef is experiencing an unprecedented second straight year of mass coral bleaching.
The 2,300-km reef suffered its most severe bleaching on record last year due to warming sea temperatures.

Bleaching occurs when abnormal environmental conditions, such as warmer sea temperatures,or When Pollution increases  cause corals to expel tiny photosynthetic algae, draining them of their colour.


1) Where are these Grasslands Located?:
 i. Downs
ii. Velds
iii. Gran Chaco

2)Where is Great Victorian Desert?

3) What is Zooxanthalae?

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