THE EXAMS MADE SIMPLE: 10th March 2017 : The Hindu and PIB Daily Current Affairs and News For UPSC/STate PSC


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10th March 2017 : The Hindu and PIB Daily Current Affairs and News For UPSC/STate PSC

10th March 2017

1)India Navy has commissioned INS Tillanchang at Karwar, Karnataka. It is a Water Jet Fast Attack Craft (WJFAC).

It is the 3rd of this type.

First Two Were : INS Tarmugli and INS Tihayu.

It is Indigenously Developed.

2)The Union Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change (MoEFCC) has launched Stage II of HCFCs Phase Out Management Plan (HPMP) for the 2017-23 period.

It aims to phase out use of Hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs), harmful ozone-depleting substances (ODS) by switching over to non-ozone depleting and low global warming potential technologies.

Read all about the HCFC Phase Out Management Plan

3) Recently Centre said that Mid Day meals will now be linked with the AADHAR Number.
So in this background :-

Teachers and Anganwadi workers in Rajasthan have spoken out against the Centre's recent decision to link the midday meal scheme to Aadhaar, saying it would completely disrupt the process of food distribution and teaching and learning. They said it would create an “inhuman culture” where children would be denied food due to exclusion through biometrics.

What if the Machines Don't Match the Biometrics ??? Will They be denied the food. (THEY:- Small and Poor , EWS Children)


4)"Mothers Of Manipur" is a group working from 13 Years in protest to Assam Rifles and want the removal of AFSPA(Armed Forces (Special Powers) Acts).

Background: 2004 Alleged rape of Manorama Devi by Assam Rifles troops.

5)Shigmo Festival :- Goa’s biggest Hindu folk festival. The Ghode Modini Dance is Performed in this.

6)Ancient copper coins found in central Kashmir: from Budgam District  : The coins belong to the period of the Yassakara and Lohora dynasties.

7)Saraswati Samman for Konkani writer: Eminent Konkani writer Mahabaleshwar Sail has been honoured with the Saraswati Samman 2016 for his novel Hawthan.

8)Paid maternity leave extended to 26 weeks:
Because of the Parliament's Nod to Maternity Benefit (Amendment) Bill, 2016. 
Women working in the organised sector will now be entitled to paid maternity leave of 26 weeks, up from 12 weeks.India to the third position in terms of the number
of weeks for maternity leave, after Canada and Norway, where it is 50 weeks and 44 weeks, respectively.

9)India is ready to accept a United Nations (UN) permanent Security Council seat without using a veto for the first 15 years, the MEA confirmed here on Thursday.
Though The Terms of Permanent Seat in UNSC is not Compromised.
India Wants Full Powers and responsibilities just as the Present P5 (U.S.A,U.K,Russia,France,China) but just for First 15 Years ,it wont exercise Veto Power.

10)Sri Lanka is to scale back a profitable but controversial deal to sell a deep-sea port to a Chinese company after widespread protests, the Ports Minister said
Thursday. Arjuna Ranatunga said the government was renegotiating the sale of the debt-laden but strategically- located Hambantota port.
 It had hoped to transfer an 80% stake to the China Merchants Port Holdings on a long lease, but the proposed deal met with opposition from residents in the southern town of Hambantota and some members of the ruling coalition.


1) Trincomalee Port is in which Country ? : Srilanka 

2)Farzad-B gas field is in which Country?: Iran

3)India's Shale Gas Producing Regions? : Gujrat, Godavari 

4)Major Ports of India? : 13 Major Port are there. Port Blair is the Latest and Youngest one.

1 comment:

  1. Please don't copy paste the hindu pages. It is becoming voluminous.
