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Heat Waves

About heatwaves:
The Indian Meteorology Department (IMD) defines a heatwave as an excess of five to six degrees C over the maximum daily temperature (over a 30-year period) of less than 40 degree C or an excess of four to five degree C over a normal historical maximum temperature of over 40 degree C.
A heat wave is a combination of and humidity for a prolonged period. It is an extended period of very high summer temperature with the potential to adversely affect communities.

What are the possible health hazards due to heat wave?
According to the National Health Service based in UK, heat stroke and heat exhaustion are the two major risks posed by high-temperature conditions. 
  • Continuous and constant exposure to high temperatures could result in nausea and heat cramps, resulting in rapid rise of the body temperature. 

  • Dehydration (absence of adequate water within the body) could also aid in heat exhaustion. Headaches, dizziness and nausea are some of the symptoms.

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