THE EXAMS MADE SIMPLE: 14th and 15th February 2017 The Hindu and PIB Complete News Analysis For UPSC


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14th and 15th February 2017 The Hindu and PIB Complete News Analysis For UPSC

14th and 15th February 2017

1)Scientists have developed novel rubber like material nicknamed ‘thubber’ which has high thermal conductivity and elasticity.

It is an electrically insulating composite material that exhibits an unprecedented combination of metal-like thermal conductivity, elasticity similar to soft, biological tissue.

2)The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has opened a first-of-its-kind South Asia Training and Technical Assistance Centre (SARTTAC) in New Delhi for economic capacity building in South Asia.
It will work to support local member countries of South Asia viz. India, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives, Nepal and Sri Lanka to build human and institutional capacity and implement policies for growth and poverty reduction

SARTTAC is financed mainly by its six member countries — Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, and Sri Lanka — with additional support from Australia, the Republic of Korea, the European Union and the United Kingdom.

3)The Supreme Court has clarified that there is no need to stand inside a cinema hall when the national anthem is featured as a part of a film, documentary or a newsreel.

4)India’s first floating elementary school named Loktak Elementary Floating School was inaugurated at Langolsabi Leikai of Champu Khangpok floating village on Loktak Lake in Manipur. The first of its kind school aims to provide education to drop outs students as well as illiterate adults

5)Karnataka assembly passes bill to allow ‘Kambala’ (Buffalo Racing).

6)Indian Seed Congress – 2017 is being held in Kolkata.
The theme of Seed Congress is “Seed of Joy”.

7)Syrian govt. used chlorine gas in Aleppo battle:

Syrian government forces carried out at least eight chemical attacks during the final weeks of the battle for Aleppo, according to Human Rights Watch (HRW).

The use of chlorine gas as a weapon is banned under the Chemical Weapons Convention, which Syria joined in 2013.

8)ISRO's PSLV C-37 has been launched successfully with 104 satellites.

It is a world record breaking Russia's Record of 37 satellite in a single launch.


Politics of Symbols/Symbolism is detrimental for the Democracy. Discuss.

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